Headquarters Military Governor of Cuba Havana, May 5, 196.. TO THE SENATORS AND REPRESENTATIVES ELECT OF CU- BAN CONGRESS. Gentlemen: I hlmave the honor in the name ,of 'the President of the United States of America, and as Military Governor of the Island of -Cuba, to welcome you and most earnestly wish you every success in the great work upon which you are soon to enter. You have been convened solely for the purpose ex- pressed in paragraph II of Order no. 101, dated Havana, April 14, 1902, and no legislative power will be vested in the Congress until after the formal transfer of the go- vernmen.t elect, which transfer will take place at noon. May 20, 1902. You are requested to notify me officially, at the ear- liest possible date, who have been elected President and Vice-President of Cuba, and who Senators and Represen- tatives, in order that I may transmit this information to the President of the United States. It is important that this action be taken without del- ay in order that the President may be officially informed as to the personnel of the government elect. Upon the completion of this duty the Congress will adjourn to meet at noon, May 20, 1902. With expressions of the highest esteem, Very respectfully, LEONARD Woon, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Military Governor of Cuba.