CHAPTER 7 Finance A DEQUATE and stable income is essential to a sound pro- gram. Sufficient income alone does not, however, insure food services best suited to the nutritional needs of boys and girls. Nevertheless, the level of expenditure over a long period of time influences greatly the quality of service rendered. Under present practices, income and expenditures vary con- siderably from year to year. This does not tend to stabilize the program or to encourage growth consistent with need. A first step in financing the program is to determine the needs of the program that influence costs and to translate them into costs. Funds are needed for: administration and supervision, equipment, and regularly recurring operating costs which include food, labor, fuel and consumable or ex- pendable non-food supplies. Responsibilities As far back as 1943, a Florida state school lunch advisory committee studied the financial needs of the program and made sound recommendations for financing it. The committee outlined responsibilities in the December, 1944, Florida School Bulletin, as follows: 1. The program should be operated on a non-profit basis. 2. The county board should provide space, equipment, utilities, administration and supervision, without any cost to the pupils. 3. The pupil should pay the cost of food and may pay for labor and miscellaneous non-food materials and sup- plies.