Table 1. Planting date, stage of development, and 1/2" irrigation for calendar date and day of year at Quincy, FL, 1993. Stage Description Amount Amount Amount Amount Calendar Day of Irrigation Calendar Day of Irrigation Calendar Day of Irrigation Calendar Day of Irrigation date year (inches) Stage date year (Inches) Stage date year (inches) Stage date year (inches) PI Preirrigation PD, Planting date I Irrigation O 50% Emergence I Irrigation 1 Third leaf visible I Irrigation 2 Fifth leaf visible I Irrigation 3 Panicle initiation' 4 Flag leaf visible 5 Boot stage I Irrigation I Irrigation 6 50% stigma emerged 7 Milk stage,1/2 length 8 Dough stage,1/2 length 9 Black layer,1/2 length TR Total rainfall 30 April 120 1/2 5 May 125 7 May 127 1/2 10 May 130 14 May 134 1/2 15 May 135 17 May 137 1/2 21 May 141 27 May 147 1/2 30 May 150 5 June 156 8 June 159 1/2 12 June 163 17 June 168 1/2 22 June 173 1/2 25 June 176 10 July 191 19 July 200 30 July 211 86' 4.0' 12.4' 16.4' PI 14 May 134 1/2 PD,+I 17 May 137 1/2 0 22 May 142 I 27 May 147 1/2 1 30 May 150 I 8 June 159 1/2 2 9 June 160 3 14 June 165 I 17 June 168 1/2 4 21 June 172 I 22 June 173 1/2 5 25 June 175 6 14 July 195 7 3 Aug 215 8 12 Aug 224 9 16 Aug 226 892 3.0' TR 16.1'4 19.11 PI 8 June 159 1/2 PD, 15 June 166 O 20 June 171 I 22 June 173 1/2 1 26 June 177 2 30 June 181 3 4 July 185 4 14 July 195 5 20 July 201 6 5 Aug 217 7 17 Aug 229 8&I 24 Aug 236 1/2 9 2 Sept 245 862 1.5' TR 17.2' 18.7' PD, 15 July 196 O 21 July 202 1 26 July 207 2 30 July 211 3 5 Aug 217 4 12 Aug 224 5 19 Aug 231 I 24 Aug 236 1/2 6 27 Aug 239 7 15 Sept 258 8 21 Sept 264 9 28 Sept 271 792 0.5' TR 17.7' 18.2' 'Panicle initiation occurs when fifth leaf fully extended. 'Days from planting to black layer formation at 1/2 length. 'Total irrigation. otal rainfall during growing period: PD, (1 May to 30 July), PD2 (14 May to 16 Aug), PD, (11 June to 5 Sept.), PD4 (12 July to 30 Sept.) 'Total water during growing period.