TABLE 3. LEAST-SQUARE MEANS FOR EMPTY BODY WEIGHT, GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT FILL, HOT CARCASS WEIGHT AND DRESSING PERCENT Empty Gastrointestinal Hot Source ofa body tract fill, carcass Dressing, variation n weight, kg kg weight, kg % Creep treatment Probability level No creep Short-term Long-term Zeranol treatment Probability level No zeranol Zeranol Breed of sire Probability level Brahman Romana Red Breed of dam Probability level Angus F. Mean RSDc .02 195.30 209.50 226.20 .26 205.80 214.90 .009 222.10 198.70 .23 205.50 215.20 24 210.40 18.70 .06 13.80 11.60 9.30 .66 11.20 11.90 .40 11.00 12.20 .41 12.10 11.00 11.60 3.30 .007 122.90 133.40 145.70 .20 130.60 137.40 .02 140.80 127.20 .25 131.00 137.00 134.00 12.10 .06 62.85 63.74 64.37 .47 63.47 63.84 .22 63.34 63.97 .78 63.72 63.58 63.65 1.17 aYear influenced hot carcass weight (P<.04) and dressing % (P<.004). Dressing % = (hot carcass weight/empty body weight) x 100. cResidual standard deviation.