Table 4. Leaf P concentrations due to effect of variety and of rates of nematicide. Nematicide rates (kg a.i. ha-') Variety 0 0.56 0.84 1.12 -----------------------g kg------------------ Leflore 3.87AX 3.66AX 3.64AX 3.71AX Davis 2.73BY 3.44AX 3.12BXY 3.05BXY Leaf concentration mean values not followed by the same letter (A, B) within a column or (X, Y) within a row (variety) are significantly different at the 5% level, according to the Duncan's Multiple-Range Test and to polynomial contrasts, respectively. Table 5. Concentrations of soil K, Ca, and change in soil pH ra +t* nvri +sa1 ffcmr*+ Variety K Ca pH ---------g kg- ------- Leflore 0.026B 0.23A 6.09A Davis 0.034A 0.21B 5.92B Leaf concentration mean values not followed by the same letter are significantly different at the 5%, level according to the Duncan's Multiple-Range Test. Table 6. Analysis of variance (mean squares) of leaf Cu, Mn, Zn. and Fe for the varietal effect. df Cu Mn Zn Fe Rep 3 1.86ns 3312.70** 111.45ns 11.46ns Variety 1 7.03* 20351.53** 3220.03** 28.13ns Nematicide 3 0.28ns 859.53ns 34.36ns 44.79ns Var x Nem 3 0.531ns 509.95ns 133.45ns 128.13ns Error 21 1.484 500.91 72.38 80.51 *, ** Significant at the 5% and 1% level, respectively. ns = nonsignificant Table 7.- Leaf Cu, Mn, Fe, and Zn concentrations due to the varietal effect. Cu Mn Fe Zn ------------mg/kg------------------------- Leflore 2.69B 142.56A 80.00A 62.44A Davis 3.63A 92.13B 81.88A 42.38B Leaf concentration mean values not followed by the same letter are significantly different at the 5%, level according to the Duncan's Multiple-Range Test.