Table 4. Leaf P concentrations due to effect of variety and
 of rates of nematicide.

 Nematicide rates (kg a.i. ha-')
Variety 0 0.56 0.84 1.12
 -----------------------g kg------------------

Leflore 3.87AX 3.66AX 3.64AX 3.71AX
Davis 2.73BY 3.44AX 3.12BXY 3.05BXY

Leaf concentration mean values not followed by the same letter
(A, B) within a column or (X, Y) within a row (variety) are
significantly different at the 5% level, according to the
Duncan's Multiple-Range Test and to polynomial contrasts,

Table 5. Concentrations of soil K, Ca, and change in soil pH
 ra +t* nvri +sa1 ffcmr*+

Variety K Ca pH
 ---------g kg- -------

Leflore 0.026B 0.23A 6.09A
Davis 0.034A 0.21B 5.92B

Leaf concentration mean values not followed by the same letter
are significantly different at the 5%, level according to the
Duncan's Multiple-Range Test.

Table 6. Analysis of variance (mean squares) of leaf Cu, Mn,
 Zn. and Fe for the varietal effect.
 df Cu Mn Zn Fe

Rep 3 1.86ns 3312.70** 111.45ns 11.46ns
Variety 1 7.03* 20351.53** 3220.03** 28.13ns
Nematicide 3 0.28ns 859.53ns 34.36ns 44.79ns
Var x Nem 3 0.531ns 509.95ns 133.45ns 128.13ns
Error 21 1.484 500.91 72.38 80.51

*, ** Significant at the 5% and 1% level, respectively.
ns = nonsignificant

Table 7.- Leaf Cu, Mn, Fe, and Zn concentrations due to the
 varietal effect.
 Cu Mn Fe Zn

Leflore 2.69B 142.56A 80.00A 62.44A
Davis 3.63A 92.13B 81.88A 42.38B

Leaf concentration mean values not followed by the same letter
are significantly different at the 5%, level according to the
Duncan's Multiple-Range Test.