- 16 - of the State's Indian War claims now pending before Congress, in lieu of S I. Walles. [Seal] (Signed) HENRY L. MITCHELL, Attest: Governor. JNO. L. CRAWFORD, Secretary of State." "I am informed by the Secretary of State that there is no other record relative to the appointment of any other person or persons as agent or commissioner or otherwise on this subject, as appears from the records of his office. "I desire to advise you that on or about the 21st of February, 1901, Mr. W. E. Wailes, of Selma, Alabama, came to my office, in Tallahassee, Florida, and presented to me an original memoranda dated June 9th, 1894, signed 'Henry L. Mitchell, Gov- ernor,' attested, etc., above referred to, and made application for a renewal of such authority and the grant of some authority to act as agent for the State of Florida in the matter of the State's Indian War claims then pend- ing before Congress, which applica- tion was then and there declined and refused, and no authority whatever was given to him, and has not been granted to him or any other person or persons by me. I desire to be advised of the vali- dity, power and effect of the above Instruments, and, therefore, have the honor to request that you furnish me with an opinion on this subject, cover- ing the following points, especially: (1) Did the powers and duties, if any, under the commission issued to S. I. Wailes cease upon the appoint- ment of W. E. Walles? (2) Does the appointment of W. E. Wailes carry with it the powers and duties set out at greater length in the commission issued to S. I. Wailes? (3) Is the commission issued to W. E. Wailee in force at this time? (4) If not, when did it expire, either by operation of its conditions, the operation of law or the constitu- tution; (5) Has the Governor the power to make such appointment, and, if so, would such appointment when made, seat of government, who can give neither money nor personal attention to securing their rights.