Such is the inscription, that marks the grave of the
hero of the Seminoles.
 Even at this writing, it is a melancholy satisfaction
to know that the great Indian leader was buried with
the honor and respect due so worthy a foe.
 A detachment of the United States troops followed
by the medical men and many private citizens, to-
gether with all the chiefs, and warriors, women and
children of the garrison in a body, escorted the re-
mains to the grave, which was located near the en-
trance to Fort Moultrie, Charleston Harbor. A
military salute was fired over the grave and as the
sound reverberated over the dark waters of the bay,
Justice and Patriotism, must have pointed with fin-
gers of scorn to our great Nation, yet with tender
pity, said Osceola the Rising Sun, may the
Great Spirit avenge you, keep you, love you and
cherish you,- the Defender of your country."

 WILD CAT and Cohadjo were allowed to remain
in old Fort Marion the prison at St. Augustine,
Florida. Wild Cat feigned sickness and was per-
mitted, under guard, to go to the woods to obtain
some roots; with these he reduced his size until
he was able to crawl through an aperture that ad-
mitted light into the cell. Letting himself down by
ropes made of the bedding, a distance of fifty feet,
he made his escape, joined his tribe and once more
rallied his forces against our army. Latter day