200 University of California Publications in History "Natioal Intesgeoner (Washington), VII (June 29,1819) :3. La 8erna to GOonle Salmhnm, October 15,1819, in A.HN., Et, 5645. Juan Ortega to Felipe Fatio (eonsul at New Orleans), San Lus de los Illi- nees, June 6 and 16, 1819; Felix Trudeaux to Fatio, Natchitoehes, June 9, 1819; and other correspondence enclosed with Viceroy Conde de Venadito to the seretaio do estedo, September 30, 1819, in A.GI., Ext., 33. The viceroy's despatch, one of a eerie of monthly reports, is printed, without the enclosure but with an illuminating historical introduction, in Alfred B. Thomas (ed.), "Documents Bearing on the Northern Frontier of New Mexico, 1818-1819," New Meaio Historical BRiew, IV (1929):146-164. See also Thomas, "The Yellowstone River, James Long and Spanish Beaetion to American Intrusion into Spanish Dominions, 1818-1819," ibd., pp. 164-177. Oni to San Fernando, Madrid, December 23, 1819, in A.H.N., Eat., 5661. SAdams, Memoirs, IV:482. The preparation of the message is described at length in Adams, op. *t., pp. 432-466. James Monroe, Message to Congress, December 7, 1819, in Compilation of the M sages and Papers of the Presidents, 1789-1897 (Washington, D.C., 1896-1899), II:54-8. Vives to Adams, April 14, 19, and 24, 1820, and Adams to Vives, April 18 and 21, and May 1820, in AJ.P, F.R., IV:680-684. Villa-Urrutia, Foroado VII, [VoL I] Bey oonstitUWonal (Madrid, 1922), pp. 184-185; Bafael Altamira, "Spain, 1815-1845," Cambridge Modem His- tory (Cambridge, 1902-1912), X:214-220. SForsyth to Adams, March 30, 1820, in D.S., Despatches, Spain, XVIII. Minwta of the Consejo de Estado, April 23, 1820, in A.H.N., Et., 5662. "Monroe, Mesage to Congress, March 27, 1820, in Mssages and Papers, nI:69-70; Debates in Congress, April 3-4, 1820, in Asnals of Congress, XXXVI:1719-1738, 1743-1781. Memorial of Heredia, July 22, 1820, in A.H.N., Est., 5565, Expediente 4. Heredia had been recalled from exile and restored to his position as councilor of state following the revolution of March, 1820. See Nareiso de Heredia, Ra- orito del Conde de Ofalia (Bilbao, 1894), p. 47. Ons, Memoria sobre las uegociaoiones etre Bspafa y los Batados-Unidos de Amrica, que dieron motivo ao tratado do 1819 (Madrid, 1820). SForsyth to Adams, October 11, 1820, in D.S., Despatches, Spain, XVIII. Isform of Comisiu do Politioa, September 30,1820, in A.H.N., Est., 5662. SCorrespondenee of Forsyth and P6res de Castro, October 6 to October 11, 1820, in A..P, .R., IV:696-70L Senate, Jornal of the sooeti'e Proceedisga (Washington, D.C.), II: 242-244. SAdams, Memoirs, V:285-286. IMbi, p. 290. SBush to Adam, June 18, 1819, in D.S., Despatehes, Great Britain, XXIII; Gallatin to Adams, July 6, 1819, in D.S., Despatehes, France, XIX. "Forsyth to Adams, January 3, 1820, in D.S, Despatches, Spain, XVIII; MS biography of Onis (Madrid, 1827). SOnis, Memoria, II:209-213. See AS.P, .., IV:740-808. *The "Second Seminole War" is treated in Grant Foreman, Indian Be- moval; the Bmigration of the Five Ciilised Tribes of Indians (Norman, 1982).