and broad head, and with oars, row-locks and a twelve-foot pole,
the entire coast can be safely navigated.
 From Cedar Key he can follow the shore of Wacaassa Bay,

inside the keys if necessary, to

Withlacoochee River.


along shore, and inside the keys and islands if he wishes, to Crys-
tal, Homosassa, Chessowiskee, and Wechawachee Rivers to Bay-
port. The reef before mentioned lies off shore, some ten miles,

rendering this portion of the route usually very smooth.


Bayport he can coast along inside Helley's Keys to the "Cootie

River, and thence inside Anclote Keys to Anclote River.

here to Hog Island,


at the head of Clearwater Harbor, there is

another long outlying reef.
and through Boca Ceiga Bay,

Sailigg down Clearwater


he will reach Tampa Bay, where

he can proceed up to Old Tampa and Hillsboro Bays, or keeping
to the southward inside the keys, across the mouth of Tampa
Bay, he will enter Big Sarasota and Little Sarasota Bays, and
proceed to Casey's Pass, at the southerly end of the latter bay.
From here he can await a favorable opportunity and a fair wind
to run outside for a dozen miles to Kettle Harbor, which connects
with Charlotte Harbor.
 If he wishes to go below this point, he will sail inside to Punta
Rasa, and a few miles below, in sight, enter Mantanzas Pass,

sailing down Estero Bay to Estero Pass,
again of outside work will take him to

where a dozen miles
Gordon's Pass, from

whence he can follow the channels along the inside keys and
Marco and Horr's islands to Cocoanut Key, behind Cape Romano.
From here to Cape Sable there are outlying banks and reef

which render this portion of the route smooth,

the water being

quite shallow anywhere within three miles of the shore, and a