Petals Plucked from Sunny Climes. distant. The result of this ever, most imp mysterious posi which enables t may yet scour submission ceri attempt to surp to their most should now be is the belief of the most arduo' in this Territorl at least, great mules being le carried their r ments of the ti otherwise-mar knee-deep fro given to this b a m m )rtan ition us to that tain, rise t, in p of the entert country even if them. scout has been, pointing out the hi Prophet and his ain hopes that our ry, so as to render They should fail i The, v have been t favorite and secret fastnesses, soon harassed into submission all, including some who have us service in Florida, that no m y has been attended with equa er, severity than this. All p ,ft behind, officers as well as itions troops ching morn arvel on t were in m heir backs. The amphibious rath4 ud and water moi ling till night. Dus een exaggerated, so far wamps is concerned. It region more admirable -region of as is Ce ment than such a mass of ( seemingly impenetrable swa waters have a perceptible ci heads of streams rather than the pioneer would never be and mud-encircled region, an sumed that, so far as a know the lifficu alcula lense mps. arch I, or, pack- mefi love- than ne er re than The character country has not condition of its .t to conceive of :ed for conceal- hummocks and Some these irrent, thus being the swamps. The ax of attracted to this wet d it may be fairly pre- edge of its topography is concerned, war has done more to expose it to our gaze than civilization would have accomplished in a century." how- therto party, forces their n any railed hu mo k a----nd-v ---- I