Table 22. Toxicity and

repellency values for mnethiocarb and
tested on bird pest species in the

 Methiocarb Trimethacarb
 LD50 R50a LD50 R50a
Species (mg/kg) (%) (mg/kg) (%)

Lonchura punctulata 4.22 0.06 4.16 0.09
Lonchura malacca 2.37 0.04 3.13 0.05
Lonchura leucogaster 4.22 0.04 23.01 0.09
Passer montanus 8.66 NDb 23.93 ND

a R50 values for Lonchura spp. were obtained in
b Not determined.

previous trials.


Because of growing recognition of the importance of vertebrate pests
to food production and storage in most countries of the world, there
is an increasing need for specialists to define, research, and
manage these problem species. Recognizing the need for graduate
training in the newly emerging field of Vertebrate Pest Management
(VPM), the Department of Fishery and Wildlife Biology, Colorado
State University (CSU), has developed a cooperative arrangement with
the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Denver Wildlife Research Center
for individuals seeking advanced education in Vertebrate Pest
Management and fields related to the control of animal damage. A
special effort has been made to address the individual needs of
international participants in managing vertebrate pest problems in
their home countries. This effort supplements programs presently
existing at other universities.

The academic program consists of courses such as

Principles of Wildlife Management
Wildlife Management Techniques
Vertebrate Pest Management
Wildlife Ecology
Wildlife Biology Seminar
Independent Study in Vertebrate
 Pest Management

Animal Behavior
Wildlife Population Dynamics
Wildlife Nutrition
Public Relations in Natural
Economics of Natural Resources

The graduate research may be conducted at Colorado State
University, at the Denver Wildlife Research Center, or at various
cooperating field stations in the United States or other