Ancient methods of transportation join with modern to open remote areas to S .... trade and travel AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION The total value of Costa Rica's agricultural production (including forestry) for 1950 amounted to ?652 million, and in 1956 to C736 million (Table 6). The 1950 agricultural income represented 50 per cent of the gross national product (V1,298 million). The two main export crops were, and still are, bananas and coffee. Live- stock, sugar cane, annual, and cereal crops fashioned the back- ground of the domestic economy. In dollar value, cacao and abaca also were important and copra returned small amounts of income to numerous entrepreneurs. TABLE 6.-GLOBAL VALUE OF SELECTED ITEMS IN AGRICULTURAL AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION, COSTA RICA, 1950 AND 1956* Global Value of Production Agricultural Products (millions of colones) 1950 1956 Export crops 337.6 314.2 Domestic crops 117.3 143.5 Livestock 44.9 69.6 Livestock products 79.5 99.3 Other farm products 25.1 47.0 Forestry products 47.6 62.1 Total 652.0 735.7 Source: Banco Central de Costa Rica, Seccidn Ingreso Nacional, Departamento de Estudios Econ6micos.