My foe can no more tease us—
Has promised e’en to please us ;

So now all will be well.’

A spring, touched on the floor,
Opens a hidden door.

They enter now the dwelling—
A small, yet gorgeous room,
Illumined from the dome

By light subdued, yet telling.
All round are deep recesses,

Filled with the richest dresses

Her fancy could conceive.

‘Go, love, behind a curtain :

They’re yours, I feel quite certain,
And fit well, I believe.’

In all, a dozen niches,

Containing wondrous riches,

Attract her dazzled gaze.

Here silk and golden tissue
From a recess out issue,

A princess might amaze.

Here silvered velvet dresses,
Which called forth many guesses

When such things could be worn.
Here lace-embroidered satin,
Edged with a wondrous tatting

A zephyr might adorn.

‘Look! here are furs, I do declare,
Would make me like a lovely bear!’

Her hands clapped like a child.
‘Oh, they will be my favoured dress!
Though now, alas! I must confess,

The weather is too mild.’




“Tis hard, ’tis hard to choose, dear,—
All seem too grand to use, dear.
Which one do you prefer ?’

| ‘What think you of this shot-silk, love,

Like feathers of a cooing dove ?’
‘With that I should not err.’

Behind the curtain in a trice

She glides, and soon returns so nice,
And not at all too smart.

| Her bosom heaves; too full for words,

She flutters like descending birds,
And flies into his heart.

‘It fits me to a T,’ she saith,

As soon as she recovered breath.
‘ How did you get the measure ?’

| * By twining oft my arm around

Your waist, my love, the size I found
Of you, my dearest treasure !

But let us onward further go ;

There’s much to you I want to show.’
A hidden door receding,

Reveals a scene of dazzling light :

The sun starts back from lustre bright,
Of radiance exceeding.

They enter now a jewelled bower :

A precious stone is every flower,
Set in the purest gold.

Festoons of chains reclining there,

Necklets and gems to grace her hair,
Her ravished eyes behold.

A chain he clasps around her neck,

Bracelets of pearls her arms bedeck :
Her eyes like diamonds shine.