18 Uncle Fohn’s Centennial Story.

‘A little way from here is the great Marble Fountain. This was built
by the Sons of Temperance belonging to the Catholic churches, and cost
them a large sum of money. There ’s a good picture of it on the next page.

“In the centre, on the pile of rock, stands Moses; and the water is
pouring from the rock which was dry before he smote it with his rod,
as the Lord had told him to do. On the four corners stand statues of
Farner Marriurw, Crartes Carroit, Commopore Barry, and ARrcHBISHoP
Carro.t, and out of the block on which each of them stands, four streams
of water flow out of the mouths of lions into marble basins — making in all
sixteen drinking fountains.

“On these grounds all around us are private buildings for showing
private goods. Near by the Fountain are two for showing stoves, and
another for printing this book;* and a little way back of that, one for
making glass; and so on all around.

“We will now go to the Acricutruran Hart, and see what they have
in that.





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As seen from the Park Drive on George's Hill. This Hall is 540 x 800 feet, of an irreguar ground-plan, covering an area of about 10 acres.



“You will see by the picture that it is not like the other buildings,
and only half as large as the Main Hall. It is big enough, however, to
cover a good-sized garden farm.

* See page 27.