Page 12 AA MEETING--for information call North Central Florida Inter- group Office at (352) 372-8091 which is also a 24 hour local hot- line number. tfn NARCONON a nonprofit public benefit organization that specializes in helping people with drug or alcohol addictions offers FREE assessments .and more than 11,000 local referrals . Call (800) 556-8885 or visit www. TREES, TREES, TREES. Langs- ton Tree Services, Inc. Call (352) 490-4456. tfnb T&J TREE SERVICE - lot clear- ing, stump grinding, bushhog- ging, underbrushing, removals, boxblading, Bobcat work. In- sured, licensed, 19 years’ expe- rience. Call 486-6297. tfnb. GARY’S PAINTING and Repair Inc. Licensed and insured, 25 years experience. Pressure cleaning, roof-recoating. Senior citizen discount: Call 1-866-907- GARY (4279). NAIL ‘ therapists HAIRDRESSERS, TECHS, massage and estheticians needed for new salon opening in Bronson. 352- 486-6899 tfnfb LOCAL COMPANY serving na- tional client base has clerical position open for immediate hire. Applicant must have experience with and aptitude for office/com- puter equipment and customer service, and be detail minded. Minimum. qualification of High School diploma or GED required. Responsibilities include data en- try, answering and routing phone calls and mailing. Accepting ap- plications between 10 am and 1 pm. Call 486-3223 for more in- formation. 9/7,9/14b CONTRACT MAINTENANCE person for 30 plus mobile homes in. Trenton and Bronson. Call 352-447-6227. 9/7p egals LEXY COUNTY JOURNAT, Feed truck driver needed. CDL license required. Call for more information 493-4824. UNIVERSITY ESTATES property is 1.25 acre lot #169 on 102nd between 86th and 87th Street. Oak Ridge Estates property is approximately one acre Blk 49, lot 9 on 62nd Lane between 115th and 117. Both properties good access off Hwy 27-A in Bronson. Contact Byron Nenos at 813-264-7929. 6/29-9/14p BRONSON AREA (4.5 ACRE LOT) N.E. 93" Terr. &N.E. 116" Street Easy access off Co. 337 (80" Ave.) $65,000.00. Other lots in Oak Ridge Estates with easy access off Hwy 27. % acre lots $12,000.00 each. Contact Perry at 954-805-0629. 9/7b % ACRE BETWEEN Williston & Morriston. Paved road frontage on SR 121. Wooded! High and dry! Owner financing. No down payment. Only $359/mo; total: $34,900.00. Call 352-215-1018. 9/14p. 1.25 ACRE - WILLISTON area. Beautifully wooded.: Nice neighborhood. Owner financing. No down payment! Only $410/ _mo; total: $39,900.00. Call 352- 215-1018. 9/14p. 1 ACRE—BRONSON. Beautifully wooded. Just off paved street. Nice neighborhood. | Owner financing. No down payment. Only $307/mo; total: $29,900.00. 352-215-1018. 9/14p. $79,500 3/2 28x60 MH on 1.25 acres near Bronson. Refurbished with new cabinetry, new flooring, new appliances and paint, etc. 352-472-4977. 9/7p. 5ACRES-—WILLISTON. Beautiful country setting. Well, septic and power already installed. Fenced. Older SWMH on property. Live in while you build or use as trade- in. Owner financing! No down payment. Only $1,233/mo; total: $119,900.00. Call 352-215-1018. 9/14p. 100 MISCELLANEOUS 105 Personals 110 Lost & Found 115 Notices 125 Services 130 Free 200 EMPLOYMENT 210 Help Wanted/Full-time 240 Help Wanted/Part-time 245 Work Wanted ; 300 RENTALS 305 Apartments for Rent 310 Houses for Rent | 315 Mobile Homes for Rent Call: Fax: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2006, LEVY COUNTY JOURNAL 330 Commercial Property 515 Yard Sales for Rent 525 Appliances 345 Wanted to Rent 535 Pets & Animals 400 REAL ESTATE 600 RECREATION 405 Condos & Apart- 605 Boats & Marine ments for Sale 610 Campers & RVs 410 Houses for Sale _615 Motorcycles & ATVs 415 Mobile Homes for 700 FARM Sale 705 Farm Equipment 435 Commercial Property 800 TRANSPORTATION for Sale 810 Automobiles 500 FOR SALE 820 Trucks 505 Antiques 825 Vans 510 Auctions 900 LEGALS How to Place Your Ad Email: Visit: 13 South Main Street, Chiefland 425 54 ACRES OF rolling pasture, SE Gilchrist County, 20 minutes to Gainesville. $15,000 per acre. 352-472-2485. 9/21p RERUNS AUCTION — Sat. September 9, at 6:00 p.m. Preview noon, Williston Lions Club 401 SE 6" Ave. Williston, FL. Noble Ave. to 4" St., S % miles. 352-528-3480, 954-854-2364. Antique and high end decorator furniture, turn of century spindle beds, Victorian claw foot sofa, settees, inlaid piano, mahogany inlaid bedroom sets, left and right wing chairs, 8 French chairs, 2 unique decorator tables super dining, living room and bedroom sets, patio, onyx pedestal, Bavarian and signed crystal, sconces, plaques, porcelain, capo and Lenox Limoges, Metlox and Johnson. china, carnival glass, old flatware, super lamps, paintings, loads of fine bric-a- brac, box lots and much more. Don’t miss this one! AU3137, AB1380, 10% buyer’s premium. 8/31, 9/7p YARD/BAKE SALE — Sat. 9/9, Bronson Methodist Church. Rain or shine. 7 am — 1 pm. 9/7f NEW BOOKSTORE- Books Il opening, September 64. Sell, buy and trade. Used and new, almost every category. Searches and ‘new’ book orders: Great Books at great prices. 49 N Main Stree 9/7p Always NEW MOWER & CHAIN SAW PARTS: Stihl, Husqvarna, Ayp, Murray, Sears, MTD, Briggs, Kohler, Robin, and Honda. Blades for most mowers. Beau- champ Saw Shop. 352-493-4904 1/14/07 FOR SALE: cedar bunk: beds with mattresses. $100. Call 535- 7138 | Classified deadline is - 2 p.m. Monday eats needs more of it. If you have an outgoing personality and like flexibility, the : Levy County Journal can use you on our eee Clie 7 Oh, and the money's good, too! Send your resume to ‘98 FREIGHTLINER FL 60 - $14,000 OBO. Runs good! . 16’ box, re-manufactured engine has approx. 300,000 miles on it, new front axle tires, new front brakes, new alternator, 1 yr. old batteries, new cooling system parts, cold a/c, refrigerator, 6’ condo, 1500 watt inverter, and microwave. (352)493-9201 or 221-0097. 9/7b | Chiefland 352-490-4462 Chiefland 352-490-4490 Bronson 352- 862312 Bronson 352-486-5042 440 South Court Street, ConrutNe ; Sales . Repair. Upgrade iConsulting ¢Programming iNe tworking. ERULELED Computer. Training Classes 4 W. Park Ave Chiefland The LCJ is locally owned and operated. a ae nal ces matter? eal ay bi & ) 2 ig iO is Aersete Cargo besegt Dace usefoches ane nape trash, De wre Der OE belns whe son Wed ty 8 9% iw, Frisnda Dorit Let Friends Orfes Drunk, 4 g 4 23 q ‘5 - CureSearch National Childhood Cancer Foundation CN osm Or lue dtl aco we) ity) You're not as alone as you feel. -