Page 8 LEXY COUNTY JOURNAT, a COUNTY PAPE + EST 100 MISCELLANEOUS 105 Personals 110 Lost & Found 115 Notices 125 Services 130 Free é 200 EMPLOYMENT 210 Help Wanted/Full-time 240 Help Wanted/Part-time 245 Work Wanted 300 RENTALS 305 Apartments for Rent 310 Houses for Rent | 315 Mobile Homes for Rent Call: Fax: THURSDAY, MAY 4, 2006, LEVY COUNTY JOURNAL 330 Commercial Property for Rent 345 Wanted to Rent 400 REAL ESTATE 405 Condos & Apart- ments for Sale 515 Yard Sales 525 Appliances 535 Pets & Animals 600 RECREATION 605 Boats & Marine 610 Campers & RVs 410 Houses for Sale 615 Motorcycles & ATVs 415 Mobile Homes for 700 FARM Sale 705 Farm Equipment 435 Commercial Property 800 TRANSPORTATION for Sale 810 Automobiles 500 FOR SALE 820 Trucks 505 Antiques 825 Vans 510 Auctions 900 LEGALS How to Place Your Ad Email: Visit: 13 South Main Street, Chiefland Chiefland 352-490-4462 Chiefland 352-490-4490 Bronson 352-486-232 Bronson 352-486-504. . 440 South Court 20 words or . | after that 10 AA MEETING--for information call North Central Florida: Inter- group Office at (352) 372-8091 which is also a 24 hour local hot- line number. tfn ADDICTION HELP - Narconon, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping those with drug addictions, is here to help residents of Levy County. For help, call 1-800-556- 8885.tfn/nc NARCONON a nonprofit public benefit organization that specializes in helping people with drug or alcohol addictions offers FREE assessments and more than 11,000 local referrals through the 800 © line.Call (800) 556-8885 or visit www. - IF YOU'VE lost an animal, dog .or cat,. please contact the Levy County. Animal-Control--at-486- 5138 www.levycountyanimal. Tfnf TREES, TREES, TREES. Langs- ton Tree Services, Inc. Call (352) 490-4456. tfnb T&J TREE SERVICE -— lot clear- ing, stump grinding, bushhog- ging, underbrushing, removals, boxblading, Bobcat work. In- sured, licensed, 19 years’ expe- rience. Call 486-6297. 5/25p. FT OFFICE ASST — Responsi- ble, detail oriented ability to work independently, some account- THE LEVY COUNTY Sheriff's Office is accepting applications for Non-certified Correctional As- sistants in the Corrections Divi- sion. Starting salary is $19,000, increases to $20,000 after pro- bation. Complete benefit pack- age including retirement. Down- load applications from website, or contact Canduis Turner 352-486-5111 ext. 292. The Levy County Sheriff's Office is an Equal Opportunity Employ- er. 4/27,5/4b. THE LEVY COUNTY Sheriffs Office is accepting applications for Correction Officers. Starting salary is $25,000. Credit is ap- plied for past experience. Com- plete benefit. package including retirement. Download applica- tion from website (www.levyso. com.) or contact Canduis Turner at 352-486-5111 ext. 292: The Levy County Sheriffs. Office is . an Equal Opportunity Employer. 4/27,5/4b. QUALITY HAIRDRESSER want- ed. Shear Expressions-Bronson. . 352-486-6899.5/4tin 210 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR — Na- ture Coast Business Develop- ment Council-Levy County. Market the benefits of business location, expansion, and reten- tion in’ Levy County. Evaluate, plan. and coordinate economic ‘development goals. Qualifica- tions: College degree or four: years in a business related field; three to five years of govern- ment/public experience; must qualify for bonding, possess. a valid Florida driver’s license. and pass drug screening; knowledge of Levy County ‘government, . business/workforce desired. Fax/ email resume to: 352-873-7907 or WANT TO buy used doublewide mobile home. No dealers. 352- 949-3536 4/27, 5/4p | Smith & Associates, Brad south 605 N. Main St. Chiefland 32626. 352-493-4200 934 East Wade St. Trenton 32693 352-463-7770. 23414 SE 349 . aha Suwannee 32692 352-521-1212 27888 US Hwy 19 Old Town 32680 352-542-1111 2 BA 1296 sq.ft. the Suwannee! Great location. C ‘arport & many mature oaks. $115,000 Sylvia Rutledge, Realtor 3BR, BA 1960 sq. ft. Condition! Near. Geothe. Porches, walkways, & carpart. $299,000 Kathleen Lowyns, Realtor Licensed Real Estate . Broker (352) 490-1214 LEASE TO PURCHASE —- Bronson - 3/2 on 1 acre. Needs some TLC. Will discount price if you do the work. $1,000.00 down. 352-318-9262. 4/27, 5/4p FAT GOOSE AUCTION in downtown - Chiefland holding estate merchandise auctions every Friday at 7:00 pm — starting at 6:15 pm with great estate box lots running 60 + lots and then our regular auction at 7:00 pm. This week we are having some super glassware with Fenton, Murrano, - great flow. blue, large Tibetan carved wild cat stein (it’s out of this world), large collection of early pocket watches — 1 is the Abe Lincoln railroad watch and 1 is solid 14k gold case, all types of furniture — always great 3BR,2BA 1993 sq. ft. 1.21 acres Price Reduced! Pool, fireplace, & surround sound. Priced to-sell!- $289,900 Lisa Baxter, Realtor 352) 949-1649 Bedrooms Has sgriat fishpond, partial Sai as and 16x20 Workshop. Richard Dass, Realtor (352) 843-1090 90.22 acre, Bronson, in city limits, $25,000 0.25 acre, Bronson, convenient to Williston, $18,000 0.5 . acre, Bronson, wooded, just off highway, $32,00 -79 acres Excellent Newer roof. (352) 219-2095 Acreage. Acreage. Acreage. Acreage. Acreage. Acreage. Acreage. .20 acres, Bronson, pasture/oaks. Adj. 20 acres’ available. $360,000 24.44 acres, Bronson, wooded, near Goethe, $450,000 31.75 acres, Bronson, development potential, $698,500 Please visit www.bsgmac:com to see much more!!! Cc Neighbor: - domme Rests A web site offered to our clients which serves as an PREMIE ene ES ae Smith & Associates, Inc. will commit to quality service merchandise — super — super — super.. AU992/AB692 (Ron Jamerson) 10%BP. For more info call Jim Morehead at (352) 356-1065. 5/4b. ANNUAL THRIFT SALE at Tren- ton United Methodist Church, . May 5th & 6th in fellowship hall, 203 NE 2nd Street, Trenton. Join us and find that special treasure! Funds from the sale will be used . for various community outreach. projects. For info call 463-1391. 5/4p BLUE AND, WHITE Apple G3. 15- inch monitor, Mac OS 9, 192MB RAM, USB, firewire; CD Rom, built- in modem. Ideal for word processing, Internet surfing. PLUS, Power Mac 5400, word processing only. Both are ideal for the person who wants an uncomplicated way to correspond without paying a lot of money. Both $50. Call Carolyn. at. 706-498-2453 after 5.p.m. tfn/nce NEW MOWER & CHAIN SAW; PARTS: Stihl, Husqvarna, Ayp, Murray, Sears, MTD, Briggs, Kohler, Robin, and ' Honda.; Blades for most mowers. Beau-. champ Saw Shop. 352-493-4904 1/7107 MOTOR HOME — 1989 Jayco, 29’ long, fully functional except’ the refrigerator. $7000.00. Call 352-489-7366. 4/27, 5/4p. CUB CADET with front end loader & bushhog, 40 hp, diesel, p.s., 4x4, fully equipped, turf tires, low hours, excellent condition. $13,500.00. 352-489-- 7366 4/27,5/4b , BRONSON SELF STORAGE (352) 486-2121 nday - Friday 10 am-5 pm Saturday 10 am-3 pm 839 E Hathaway Ave Behind Dollar General Keep on Flushing A&M ‘Plumbing Enterprises Inc. - Remodel, Re-Pipe, New Construction, Mobile Home Hook-Ups and Water Heaters. Serving the Tri-County area. Bronson (352)486-3509. - in writing! It’s an approach that’s earned GMAC a remarkable 94% Customer Satisfaction Rating — the best in the real estate industry. ing, excellent customer service, and effective communication and .phone skills. Experience in Microsoft Excel & Word. Knowl- ° edge of Quick Books a + but not 10:SW 7th St MASS te rMeyre 0 Rhy aoyae INK) ‘interactive community forum for posting calendars, yard sales, recipes, & much more! : Call us for details, and join in the fun! Proudly serving Dixie, Gilchrist, Levy and Marion Counties. Regina Goss Licensed Real Estate Broker 7 - required. Have a good attitude & sense of humor. Send resume to, Fax 352-490-6189, PO. Box 1126, Chiefland, FL, 32644, no phone calls. HELP WANTED FULL TIME IMMEDIATE POSITIONS AVAILABLE DUMP TRUCK DRIVER CLASS A CDL MINIMUM 3 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR MINIMUM 3 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE HEALTH INSURANCE AVAILABLE CALL 352-472-4550 COLEMAN CONSTRUCTION, INC. - NEWBERRY EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER, DRUG FREE WORKPLACE - wee Jim King Realty, Inc. 3 CHIEFLAND MAIN OFFICE 315 N. Main St. (US Hwy 19) Chiefland, FL 32644 (352) 493-2221 SUWANNEE \ HOME jOVERLOOKING THE RIVER! Completely remodeled in '95 this 3BR/3BA SWMH has a roof over and has had alg. LR, BR, bath and Ig. utility/pantry room addition added. It offers an open floor plan w/plenty of room for entertaining. The home also features a deck with a river view & elevator, a dock and boathouse with storage room out on the fresh water canal. Just 3 minutes on a deep canal to the river and then another 7 minutes to the Gulf of Mexico! Fishing, swimming, scalloping, manatee and bird watching are just a few of our pastimes. Come join coastal living at its best! $450,000. (DW-749128-JM) 352-542-9007 Beautiful like new 3/2 DW on 45 beautifully landscaped acres. There are not many like this. This home is placed on a lime rock pad and has many porcelain sinks w/Moen fixtures, one piece tub & shower units, 40 gal water heater, overhead ceiling vents, floor joist 16" OC, front entry deck, covered rear deck, screened porch on side, 2 car carport, sheds, several canopies, outdoor lighting, electrical and water through yard, lime rock drive and much more. Close to schools, shopping, the Suwannee River, and the Gulf of Mexico. ** SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY! ** $169,900. (DMH-750020-JW) 352-463-6144 or 542-0009 * FANNING SPRINGS BRANCH 17871 NW Hwy. 19 Fanning Springs, FL:32693 (352) 542-0009 = 70OR REAL RB} Visit us at SUWANNEE BRANCH 23382 SE 349 Hwy. Suwannee, FL 32692 coe 542-9007 What a unique : property! This property consists of 2 separate parcels that are being sold ‘together. Parcel #1 has a 1998 3/2 Triple #@ Wide MH_ w/over 2000 Sq. Ft. on lac w/carport & storage shed. Parcel #2 has a 1998 3/2 Double Wide MH w/over 1900 Sq. Ft. on 1.33 ac, island kitchen, stainless steel }* appliances, pool, deck, a 30' X 45' workshop w/a cross flow paint booth. Close to the Suwannee River, approximately 45 minutes to the Gulf of Mexico, and approximately 45 minutes to Gainesville. *** SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY! *** $325,000. (DMH-751393- JW) 352-463-6144 or 542-0009 extra features like 9 shut valves on all lavs. & water closets, elongated toilets, Lovely 3/2 DWMH on 2.12 beautiful wooded acres. 2 car carport, workshop/storage shed, 12 X 20 covered, porch, 12 X 14 covered patio, new roof, new water heater, new stove, new paint & more. Close to schools, shopping, the Suwannee River, approximately 30 miles to Gulf of Mexico. Call to see this property today. *** SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY! *** $83,900. (DMH- 750587-JW) 352-463-6144 or 542-0009 Acreage, Homes, Farms, Waterfront, Commercial - Call us, we will find what you are looking for! io Great Get-A-Way Just off the Suwannee River. This 1/1 nestles on 3.3 beautiful acres(+/-) RV hookup, Large Metal Storage Building approx 21 X 44. You can't get any closer to the River without being riverfront property. $279,000. (DR-751592-K) 352-493-2221 Recently remodeled & upgraded SWMH on .47 ac. Home has a 14 X 28 addition on the front, 8 X 14 addition on the rear 8 X 24 covered deck, 8 X 12 storage shed. There is new carpet, ceramic tile & bathrooms have been upgraded. These are just a few of the upgrades you will find. Close to schools, shopping & only minutes to Suwannee River & a new public boat ramp. Approximately 30 miles to the Gulf of Mexico. *** SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY! NO SIGNS & NO DRIVE- BY’S PLEASE, OWNER HAS A BIG DOG** $55, i000. (DMH-751098-JW) 352-463- alae or Gall fora FREE market analysis. We can sell your property EA, WILLIAMS MOBILE HOMES: REAL ESTATE, INC. Fowlers Bluff - O on 2 lots. $55,000 Corner Lot - 2002 3-BR/2BA DWMH in Gleason’s Trailer Village. Fireplace, new well & septic. $65,000 LOTS & ACREAGE: 7.45 Acres -on U.S. Alt. 27. $130,000 8.9 Acres - just off U.S. Alt. 27. $120,000 5 Wooded Acres - Gilchrist County, some pecan trees. $85,000 100 Acres - Williston area, pines, oaks, holly & more, small ponds. $19,000 per acre Corner Parcel - 80 Ac at corner of 2 paved roads, planted pines. $15,000 per acre 80 Acres - 1/4 mile paved road frontage, large oaks. $12,000 per acre 20 Acres -just 5 miles from town, paved road. $15,000 per acre Riverfront Lot - 100’ on Suwannee River, beautiful wood- ed lot just down from public boat ramp & park. Has power - DO NOT guarantee building status. $75,000 160 Acres - Adjacent to Goethe Forest - over 100 Ac plant- ed pines - paved road access. $10,000 per Acre City of Trenton - Small residential building lot in town - Chain link fenced, nice lawn. $39,900 Bronson Heights - 1/4 Acre lot on NE 94th Terr., ready for MH or SHIP home. $17,500 HOMES: City of Chiefland - 2 or 3 BR, 1 BA home on US. Alt. 27, garage & screen porch. $429,900 Reduced to $121,900! Details and photos at 102 S. Main Street, Chiefland, FL 32626 Office: 352-493-2838 Evenings: 352-493-1380 =