tempt to conceal it. You are to repair to the house of
Widow Careful, accompanied by such witnesses as we
shall appoint, and there having first paid her the sum
you owe her, you shall ask her pardon for the insult
you offered her, You shall likewise, to-morrow, after
school, stand up in your place, and before all the
scholars ask pardon for the disgrace you have been the
means of bringing upon the society ; and, in particular,
you shall apologize to Master Luckless, for the dis-
agreeable circumstance you were the means of bringing
him into. Till all this is complied with, you shall not
presume to come into the playground, or join in any
of the diversions of the school; and all persons arc
hereby admonished not to keep your company till this
is done.”

ftiot was then dismissed to his room; and in the
afternoon he was taken to the widow’s, who was pleased
to receive his submission graciously, and at the same
time to apologize for her own improper treatment of
Master Luckless, to whom she sent a present of a nice
ball, by way of amends.

Thus ended this important business.

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G. Wirar a delightful scent !

ff, Charming! Jt is sweeter than Mr. Essenco’s

4. Do you know whence it comes f

G. OQ—1it is from the bean-field on the other side of
the hedge, I suppose.

T. Itis. This is the month in which beans are in
blossom. See—the stalks are full of their black and

white flowers.