INDEX JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2173 ELECTIONS (Cont.) Candidates (Cont.) Office designation, change; notification to contributors of intent to seek different office; authorizing return of contributions; circum- stances, CS/S186, CS/H1927, H2251(91-107) Office designation, use of funds from prior candidacy for subse- quent candidacy; redistricting exception, $186, $1204, $2222, $2270, CS/H1927, H2251(91-107) Political Advertising See: Political Advertising, this heading Public education finance trust funds; specifying percentages of cer- tain contributions deposited; disbursement of moneys to quali- fied candidates, H1007 Qualifying Federal candidates, fee; revising date on which computation for fee is based, H2263 Fees to be paid by cashier’s check; failure to pay, consequences, $1724, H2173 Fees to be paid by certified check; failure to pay, consequences, H729 Fees; 4.5 percent of annual salary of office, H2251(91-107) Financial disclosure filed at time of qualifying; requirement, CS/S216, CS/H1157, H2251(91-107) Public office, restriction re concurrent terms; resignation re- quired; time period, CS/S216, CS/H1157 Restrictions on individuals qualifying for public office, CS/S216, H2251(91-107) School board members; increasing number from five to seven, pro- cedure, CS/H1313, H2179 Surplus funds, disposition; returning pro rata shares to contribu- tors or Election Campaign Financing Trust Fund, H1003 Contributions Acceptance in public buildings; prohibited, H1003 Affiliated corporations; one person for purposes of contribution limits, H1003 Boat registration; language on application form re voluntary contri- bution of $5 per applicant, H2251(91-107) Corporations, domestic and foreign; language on annual report re voluntary contribution of $5 per applicant, H2251(91-107) Corporations prohibited from making contributions, S190, $830, $1294, H1671 Deadline for acceptance; 28 days prior to election, H1007 Driver’s license application form, voluntary contribution of $5 per applicant, H2251(91-107) Geographic area residents; 50 percent campaign contributions from residents, H1003 In-kind contributions; valuation re public opinion research infor- mation and personal services, H1003 Intangible tax return, voluntary contribution of $5 per taxpayer, H2251(91-107) Legislative office, contributions from lobbyists, partner, firm, em- ployer or principal of lobbyists; prohibited, $2222, H2251 Legislative office, restrictions; certain persons prohibited from giv- ing during regular session, special session, $2222, H1003, H2251 Limitations Child under age 18 years of age, restrictions, $2222, H2251(91-107) Countywide Office $250 in lieu of $1,000, $1184, H913, H1003 $500 in lieu of $1,000, S190, S880, $1184, $1204, $1294, $2222, H371, H1181, H1671, H2251(91-107) $6,000 per calendar quarter; circumstances, $392, H1437 Judges and justices, 8190, S830, 81184, $1204, 81294, $2222, H371, H913, H1003, H1181, H1671, H2251(91-107) Legislative Office $250 in lieu of $1,000, $1184, H913, H1003 $500 in lieu of $1,000, S190, S830, $1204, S1294, $2222, H371, H1181, H1671, H2251(91-107) $6,000 per calendar quarter; circumstances, $392, H1437 Multicounty Office $250 in lieu of $1,000, $1184, H913, H1003 $500 in lieu of $1,000, $190, $830, $1204, $1294, $2222, H371, H1181, H1671, H2251(91-107) $6,000 per calendar quarter; circumstances, $392, H1437 Municipal Office $6,000 per calendar quarter; circumstances, $392, H1437 Statewide Office $1,000 in lieu of $3,000, S190, S830, H871, H913, H1181, H1671 ELECTIONS (Cont.) Contributions (Cont.) Limitations (Cont. Statewide Office (Cont.) $1,500 in lieu of $3,000, S1204, $1294 $15,000 per calendar quarter; circumstances, $392, H1437 $500 in lieu of $3,000, $2222, H1003, H2251(91-107) National political parties, subject to contribution limitations, $736 Office designation, change; notification to contributors of intent to seek different office; authorizing return of contributions; circum- stances, CS/S186, CS/H1927, H2251(91-107) Office designation, use of funds from prior candidacy for subse- quent candidacy; redistricting exception, $186, $1204, $2222, $2270, CS/H1927, H2251(91-107) Statewide office, contributions from lobbyists, partner, firm, em- ployer or principal of lobbyists; prohibited, $2222, H2251 Statewide office, restrictions; certain persons prohibited from giv- ing during regular session, special session, $2222, H2251 Surplus funds, disposition; additional option to return to Election Campaign Financing Trust Fund, $2222, H2251(91-107) Surplus funds, disposition; returning pro rata shares to contribu- tors or Election Campaign financing Trust Fund, H1003 Deputy registrars; training by supervisor or deputy supervisor of elec- tions, CS/S926, CS/H63 Emergency circumstances, suspend or delay elections, CS/S192, $1506, CS/H673, H1031 Initiative Petitions Signatures; witnessed by persons over 18 years of age, not paid to collect or witness signatures; written certification, S872, H1809 Sponsor to certify that no per-signature fee was paid, CS/S872, H1809(VETOED) National political parties, subject to contribution limitations, S736 Notice of all elections or referendum, H2263 Political Advertising Complaints against opposing candidate filed with division, expedit- ed investigations; circumstances, CS/S184 Disclaimer for certain candidates for statewide office who elect not to participate in election campaign financing limits, $2222, H2251 Independent expenditures for advertising, failure to include re- quired disclaimer; revising penalty, CS/S184, CS/H1435 Negative advertising re opposing candidate; requirements, $1764, H445 Rates; radio and television stations, air time available to candidates for statewide office at lowest unit rate, H2251(91-107) Political Parties Elected candidates changing party affiliation; office relinquish- ment, S226 Inactive minor political parties to be dissolved, rules, H2263 Polls Elderly and handicapped persons, accessibility, $1724, H2173 Opening and closing polls; 7:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. eastern time and 6:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. central time, CS/H599 Presidential Electors Meeting dates, repealing certain provisions, H2263 Nomination, election, and vote, revising provisions to provide for at large electors, H2263 Primary Elections Candidates receiving highest number of votes in primary declared nominated; tie votes decided by lot, $294, H333 First primary held first Tuesday in June, $1078, H1393 First primary held first Tuesday in May, H1439 Second Primary Election Held eighth Tuesday after first Tuesday in June, $1078, H1393 Held eighth Tuesday after first Tuesday in May, H1439 Repealing provisions, $294, H333 Registration See: Voter Registration, this heading Supervisor of Elections Deputy registrars; training in cooperation with Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Department, CS/S926, CS/H63 Judicial office, election to or retention; listed on ballot in order de- termined by lot conducted by supervisor of elections, H651 Term of office, limitation; six years in two consecutive terms in same office, $84 Voter Registration After books are closed, special registration and voting; not consid- ered absentee ballots, H2263