CONTENTS PAGE History .....------ --- ------------ ------------------- 45 Planting .. ..---.........------------------- --------- 46 Time of Planting ------------ ---- --- -- ------- -- 46 Seed .-..... --.........---- -- -- ------ ---------- 46 SeedSelection_______.---- .-.. ----- ---. ----- --. 47 Preparation of Seed-bed -. ..--..----- --- 47 Method of Planting.. -- ... .. .---. - 47 Cultivation-- ...- -- ------------- -.--.-------.. ---- 49 Fertilizer .---------___.- ------ -..-. -----.---.-- 49 Harvesting .-----.-------------.--------- ---------- 50 Uses ..------..........--------------. .......------- --- ----- 50 As a Soil Renovator ---- -------------- -- 50 As Forage ----------- -------- .-------------------- 52 As~~~~------------ ---.--.---- ---------.--- ---- ---- ------.53 AsFeed......... 53 For Pork Production --------------------------------- 53 For Beef Production ---------------__ --- 54 For Milk Production __ ... .. 56 Objections to Velvet Beans as Feed --------------------------- 57 Insect Enemies .----------------------------- ------------- 57 Remedy -------- -------------------------------- 58 IMPORTANT FACTS 1. An acre of velvet bean vines, when plowed under, will add as much ammonia to the soil as will an application of 1900 pounds of cottonseed meal. 2. The velvet bean is an important protein feed for the production of meat and dairy products, and furnishes excellent winter foraging for cattle and hogs. 3. The velvet bean is a highly nitrogenous feed; hence care and judg- ment must be exercised in feeding it, or results may prove unsatisfactory. 4. A yield of twenty to thirty bushels of shelled beans per acre is not too much to expect, while a much larger yield of beans may be secured when planted with corn or sorghum. 5. Three pounds of velvet beans in the pod will be found equal for milk production to one pound of cottonseed meal, analyzing 7.5 per cent. ammonia.