Florida Agricultural Experiment Station

but is more destructive in the former. It is found also on
 The eggs are laid in the summer. They hatch in about 9
days according to Dr. A. F. Conradi and H. C. Edgerton (So.
Car. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 179), and the larvae feed until the
following spring when they pupate in the ground at a depth of
from 3 to 5 inches, remaining.there about 2 weeks. The earliest
adults were taken at Gainesville on June 7 by Mr. Dozier. They
are from 1/5 to 1/3 inch long.
 Fall plowing and frequent cultivation of the corn will de-
stroy many of these insects, particularly if chickens or other birds

 Fig. 80.-Spotted click-beetle: Adult; pupa; larva; and egg, greatly enlarged.
 (From So. Car. Agr. Exp. Sta.)
follow the plow. They are seldom found at a greater depth than
4 inches. A few seeds of cotton planted at the same time as the
corn is said to be of benefit. They prefer the cotton to the corn
and while they are feeding on the cotton, the corn has an oppor-
tunity to germinate and get a start.
 The nighthawk is an important enemy of the beetles which
fly at dusk, the time when these birds are on the wing. Night-
hawks should be protected by the farmer.
 MONOCREPIDIUS LIVIDUS. Associated with the last-named
species in about the same class of soil is Monocrepidius lividus.
This is perhaps the second most common wireworm in Florida.
Control measures are the same as for the above named species.
 CORN AND COTTON WIREWORM. Unlike most wireworms,
this one (Horistonotus uhleri) works mostly in sandy, light, dry
soils. It differs also from the other species in its appearance.
It is long and white and has a soft skin instead of the hard,
chitinous covering like the others. Control measures are about