N. Y. Cert........---------- 3 Mich. Cert. -..------....-- 3 Maine Cert. ..........--..... 10 Maine Cert -..------- 6 Maine Cert.* ....---........ 10 Maine Cert. ............ 12 Maine Cert. .................. 10 Average ............. Mich. Cert. ................ Mich. Cert.* ................ Mich. Cert. ................ Mich. Cert.*.......... Average .............. i Green Mountains Versus Spaulding Rose S(7 plots; 54 replications) | Green Mt. I Spauldings I 38.9 13.552.4120.6115.3 35.9 37.3 11.6148.9119.6113.6 33.2 35.0 15.6 50.6131.2118.7149.9 40.1 8.7 48.8 34.115.4 49.5 49.3 14.1 63.4 29.4 12.6142.0 50.6112.7 16.3147.6 19.6167.3 61.4111.4 72.8169.9 15.5 85.4 144.7112.5 57.2136.1 15.8 51.9 Golden Russets Versus Spaulding Rose (4 plots; 19 replications) 1 Gold. Rus. I Spauldings 29.0 5.5134.5 20.2 16.6136.81 29.8 11.5141.3 26.7 10.1136.8 35.0 10.1145.1 34.1 15.4149.5 35.4 17.3 52.729.4 12.6 42.0 32.3 11.143.4127.6 13.7 41.3 27:1 1:1 ............... 44:1, 27:1 1.5:1 1.6:1 22:1 1:1 22:1 M:1 1350:1 76:1 16:1 2:1 19230:1 1:1 3:1 33.4:1 51:1 ................ 116:1 M:1 1:1 825:1 27:1 4:1 1:1 11:1 19230:1 2:1 Other Spauldings Versus Maine Spauidings (10 plots; 71 replications) S________Other Spldg. I Me. Spldg. I __ 1924 N. Y. Cert. (A)..........-- 3 6.7111.6148.3|20.9112.9133.8 75.61-10.1 42.9 7:1 7:1 6:1 N. Y. Cert. (B)........... 3 22.8112.935.7125.9 10.336.2 -12.01 25.2 -1.4 1.5:1 3:1 ......... Wis. Cert. ................. 3 24.4 13.437.8122.510.8 33.3 8.4 24.01 13.5 9.7:1 11:1 9:1 Minn. Cert. ........... 3 10.710.321.4 19.9 9.9129.8 -46.21 4.01-29.5 16:1 2:1 12:1 1925 N. Y. Cert............... 10 17.114.0 31.1 31.2 18.7149,.9 -45.21-25.1J-37.7 M:1 M:1 M:l 1926 Wis. Cert. ................ 6 29.916.3 46.2 34.115.4 49.5-12.31 5.81 -6.7 11:1 M:1 3:1 1927 "Bill Spud" ............. 11 45.9 17.5 63.447.6 19.6167.2 -3.571-10.7 -5.7 1:1 3:1 -1.6:1 N. Y. Cert............ 12 -.84-12.2-4.17 .......... 45:1 2:1 1928 "Bill Spud" ............ 10 60.8115.2 76.0 69.915.5185.4 -13.2 -1.91-10.7 267:1 .. ..... 54:1 Prince Ed. Island........ 10 86.112.6 98.7 69.915.5 88.4 23.21-18.71 15.7 19230:1 65:11 657:1 S Average -.--3--..... 18.1 14.1152.2 38.914.8 53.7 -2.0 -4.91-2.81 1:1 4:11 2:1 *Planted at the Everglades Experiment Station, Belle Glade, Florida. **Indicating odds of a million or more to one. Rovs paired directly in 1924 and odds calculated by means of Love's Modification of Student's Method. The same method was used for the general averages, and Bessel's method for the'1925, 1926 and 1927 data. ' 88.91-11.8 90.31-14.7 12.21-16.6 17.6-43.5 67.7 11.9 6.3 -35.2 -12.11-26.4 23.81-20.8 ~ ~ 100:1 90:1 65:1 22:1 M:l1 8:1 116:1 27:1