Fertilizer Experiments With Pecans made only 21.0 square inches during the time the experiment was conducted. With the Curtis, the most growth was made by the trees fertilized with the 6-6-4 mixture, and second, those that received the 4-6-6. They made an average total wood production per tree of 82.4 and 75.6 square inch- es, respectively, while the checks made an average growth of 49.2 s q u ar e inches each. Two of the treated plots pro- duced slightly less wood growth than that of the check. These were fertilized with mixtures that were relatively high in ammonia; one received ap- plications of an 8- 6-2 and the other an 8-4-4. (Fig. 3.) Yield. The average annual yield of the Ken- nedy and Curtis trees for each plot is shown in Table 2. The Ken- nedy trees pro- duced a few nuts Fig. 3.-Kennedy trees, Bradford County. A, un- from the begin- fertilized check; B, fertilized. ning of the experiment but the bulk of the yield was made from 1927 to 1931, or the seventh to eleventh years, inclusive, after the trees were set. These data show that the Kennedy trees that gave the high- est yield were fertilized with a 4-8-4, with the 6-4-6 and 8-6-2