Florida Cooperative Extensioia

and the purpose for which it is to be used. Peaches and tomatoes are scalded and then are quickly dipped in cold water. The skin will then slip easily. Make sure water bath or pressure canner, whichever is needed, will be ready to receive jars or tins as soon as packed.
  Precooking is heating the fruit or vegetable in a syrup, steam, or boiling or simmering water for a short time before processing.
  Packing.-Keep previously washed and rinsed jars in near boiling water until food is ready for packing. Usually it is more convenient to have rubber in place. Do not wipe out jar. Merely shake out surplus moisture. Tins may be made ready in the same way and held in warm place until needed. Give the rubber and composition gasket covers a dip in boiling water before using.
  Fill the hot food immediately into the container after the preparation is finished. Select for uniformity in size and quality, and arrange for a symmetrically placed and attractive pack. Do not pack so loosely as to waste space in jars or cans, but do not pack so tightly that there is not room for expansion. Fill jar as packed with boiling liquid or syrup in which the vegetable or fruit is precooked, leaving 1/ inch head space. Paddle or agitate to remove air bubbles as completely as possible.
  Sealing and Processing.-Processing is the method of heating a product in partially or completely sealed containers in boiling water or steam, resulting in a product that will be attractive and will keep for an indefinite length of time.

  Sugar is useful not only for sweetening but because it helps fruits hold their shape, color, and natural flavor. Fruits for pie making or for diabetic diets are often canned with no sugar. In time they will fade somewhat in color, lose some of their taste and texture. Using fruit juice instead of water emphasizes the flavor of the fruit and adds also to the food value.
  When canning juicy fruits like berries, if sugar is not used, can them in their own juices and add no water. Pick out the riper fruits and extract the juice by crushing, heating and straining. Pack remaining fruits closely and firmly into the container without preheating, cover with the boiling hot juice and process in water bath. Firm fruits like pears,, peaches and