Appendix B, Table 5.-Number of business establishments by type, Miami Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA), 1972. Type Establishment St A. Retail establishments 1 1. Building materials, hardware, garden supply, and mobile home dealers 2. General merchandise a. Department b. Variety c. Miscellaneous 3. Food stores a. Grocery b. Meat c. Fruit d. Retail bakeries e. Other food stores 4. Automotive dealers 5. Gasoline service stations 6. Apparel and accessory a. Women's clothing b. Men's clothing c. Other 7. Furniture, home furnishings, and equipment a. Furniture and home b. Household appliance stores c. Radio, television, and music stores 8. Eating and drinking places a. Eating b. Drinking 9. Drug and proprietary 10. Miscellaneous (mail order, book stores, florists, cigar stores, jewelry, sporting goods, etc.) All With ores Payroll 3,724 9,083 443 308 356 278 63 63 114 98 179 117 1,754 1,272 1,076 855 122 85 104 25 164 126 170 128 702 486 1,278 1.037 1,680 1,309 741 589 349 304 172 109 997 617 136 224 2,452 1,961 491 389 700 442 89 169 1,846 1,496 350 350 3,673 1,497