3. 20

 2.80 NR-108
 estimates from
 \ primary data
- 2.40 I

 Estimates from
 2.00 secondary data

 1. 60

 N 18R= (average
 0.80 size motel\
 or hotel)
 0. 4 NR 2 7

 200 400 600 800 1,000
 Thousands of gallons per month (W)

Figure 3.-Monthly water demand for motels and hotels of different
 sizes (NR=number of rooms), Dade and Monroe counties,
 1975-1976 (data from Appendix B, Table 3).

range of the price data. Motel-hotel establishments are expected
to respond in an inelastic manner to any change in price up to
$4.00 per thousand.

 Eating and Drinking Establishments

 Equation (4.1) for the eating and drinking establishments
group is presented in Table 6. The eating area times hours open
(DH) and bar room area times hours open (BH) variables
were significant at the 0.01 level. However, the price of water
variable (r) was significant only at an extremely low probability
level. Thus, care must be taken in interpretation of the predicted
price response. The adjusted coefficient of multiple determination
was R'=0.25, indicating a large amount of the variation was un-
accounted for by this model. It is expected the model could be
improved by including a price of output variable. Again, the
mean quantities are reported for each of the variables (Table 6).
 The relationship between water purchased per month and the
 independent variables for the eating and drinking establishments
 group were as expected in the sense of the signs on the co-
 efficients. Water purchases were shown to decline with an in-