Table D.4. U.S. Cucumber Shipments, By Origin Average of 1989-90, 1990-91 and 1991-92 Seasons (1,000 cwt).
 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.' Feb. Mar. Apr. May
 U.S. Shipments
 Florida 289 553 315 108 44 346 726 800
 Georgia 140 2 100
 Texas 74 53 10 -- 46 67
 California -
 U.S. Imports
 Mexico 68 402 745 783 667 516 287 105
 Other 7 8 22 70 93 108 34 11

Source: USDA, Agricultural Marketing Service, Fruit and Vegetable Division, Market News Branch. "Fresh Fruit and Vegetable
 Shipments", various issues.