Table 5.12. Loss in value of exports of Florida fruit and vegetable production under a methyl bromide ban. Commodity Revenue Loss % Export" Sales Export Sales Internal Salesb Loss Loss ($1000) ($1000) ($1000) Tomatoes $401,150 85 $340,098 $60,172 Peppers 79,164 75 59,373 19,791 Eggplant 25,197 95 21,417 3,780 Squash 1,058 85 1,005 53 Cucumbers 25,311 90 22,780 2,531 Watermelon 18,896 75 14,172 4,724 Strawberries 72,034 45 32,415 39,619 Fresh citrus 13.386 QQ 13.386 0_ Total $636,196 $505,526 $130,670 *Derived from data provided in the 'Vegetable Summary" (FASS). b Column 1 minus column 3. Table 5.13. Estimation of total economic impact of a methyl bromide ban on Florida. Revenue Loss Multiplier Total Impact ($1000) ($1000) Export Sales $505,526 1.8091 $914,547 In-State Sales 130,670 1.0 130.670 Total Sales Impact $1,045,217 107