

Diseases incited by Bacteria
 and Fungi
 Gray Leafspot
 Bacterial Spot
 Verticillium Wilt
 Fusarium Wilt
 Southern Bacterial Wilt
 Phoma Rot
 Late Blight
 Early Blight
 Soil Rot
 Botrytis Gray Mold
 Southern Blight
 Stem Rot
 Leaf Mold
 Buckeye Rot
 Septoria Leafspot
 Nailhead Spot
 Minor Fruit Rots
 Fusarium Rot
 Oospora Rot
 Rhizopus Rot
 Bacterial Rot
 Myrotheecium Rot
 Nematospora Rot
Diseases Incited by Viruses
 Tobacco Mosaic (Tomato
 Pseudocurly Top

 Veinbanding Mosaic
 (Potato-Y Virus) 58
 Cucumber Mosaic 59
 Double Virus Streak 62

Diseases Incited by Nematodes 63
 Root Knot ........ 63

Diseases of Physiological or
 Uncertain Origin 66
 Blossom-End Rot 66
 Blotchy Ripening (Graywall) 69
 Puffy Tomato 71
 Sunscald .......... 72
 Growth Cracks 74
 Catface 75
 Leaf Roll 76
 Blossom-Drop 78
 Crease Stem 79
 Black Shoulder 81

Principles of Disease Control 81
 Sanitation and Rotation 81
 Seedbed Sterilization 83
 Soil Sterilization with Methyl
 Bromide 83
 Soil Sterilization with Other
 Fumigants 84
 Soil Sterilization with Steam 84
 Seed Treatment 85
 Bichloride of Mercury ...... 85
 Dry Seed Treatments 86
 Fungicide Application 86
 Fungicides for Disease
 Control 88

Since the initial preparation of this bulletin, "Walter", a
race 2-resistant variety has been released.
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