LITERATURE CITED 1. Bennett, F. A., C. E. McGee, and J. L. Clutter. 1959. Yield of old-field slash pine plantations. USFS Southeast. For. Exp. Stn. Paper 107, 19pp. 2. Bennett, F. A., and B. F. Swindel. 1972. Taper curves for planted slash pine. USDA For. Serv. Res. Note SE-179, 4pp. 3. Goddard, R. E., and R. K. Strickland. 1968. Volume and weight tables for five-year-old plantation grown slash pine. Univ. of Florida, Sch. of Forestry Research Report No. 14, 7pp. 4. Grosenbaugh, L. R. 1974. STX 3-3-73: Tree content and value estimation using various sample designs, dendrometry methods, and V-S-L con- version coefficients. USDA For. Ser. Res. Paper SE-113, 112pp. 5. McGee, C. E., and F. A. Bennett. 1959. Cubic foot volume tables for slash pine plantations of the middle coastal plain of Georgia and the Carolina sandhills. U.S. For. Serv. Southeast. For. Exp. Sta. Res. Note 129, 2pp. 6. Schmitt, D., and D. R. Bower. 1970. Volume tables for young loblolly, slash, and longleaf pines in plantations in south Mississippi. USDA For. Serv. Res. Note SO-102, 6pp. A ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Trees measured in the study were available through the Cooperative Forest Genetics Research Program at the University of Florida, and the assistance of the following cooperators is acknowledged: Brunswick Pulp Land Company, Container Corporation of America, Continental Forest In- dustries, ITT-Rayonier Inc., and Scott Paper Company. Field measurements were possible by the provision of a Barr and Stroud dendrometer by ITT-Rayonier Inc. Assistance in data collection and proc- essing was provided by W. D. Bartoe, M. S. F. Campbell, J. A. Hen- drickson, R. M. Reich, and F. J. Spirek. Modification of the STX program to accommodate our processing requirements was conducted by L. R. Grosen- baugh.