consideration in this section were not adjusted, although it is
suspected that some of these quantity series do not accurately
reflect national quantities consumed.
 In spite of the preceding comments, the MRCA quantity
data appear to be reasonably accurate, especially with respect
to trend. They are believed to be far superior to their counter-
parts at the FOB level. The price data from the panel are gen-
erally considered to be representative of the actual retail prices.
The MRCA data for fresh oranges were not used because they
did not include fresh orange and fresh grapefruit figures for
the 1960-61 and 1961-62 seasons, and the prices and quantities
for fresh oranges and fresh grapefruit included substantial
influence from prices and quantities for fresh oranges and fresh
grapefruit produced in other states. The Florida Citrus Mutual
data used in the estimation of demand for fresh oranges at the
FOB level are based on actual reports of handler members of
Florida Citrus Mutual (7). These data are considered to be
accurate estimates of the actual prices and quantities of fresh
oranges and other products.
 The FOB prices for frozen concentrated orange juice, canned
single strength orange juice, and chilled orange juice were ob-
tained directly from industry firms. The selection of the firms
interviewed was based on judgment rather than on a random
sample. The firms selected were considered by the authors and
by several industry representatives to be the dominant firms
of the industry.

 List of Symbols

 The following symbols, with their corresponding definitions,
 are used in this section:
 Prices at retail in the foodstore sector
 P FCOJ = deflated average monthly price of frozen concentrated
 orange juice, cents per 6-ounce can.
 F coJ = deflated average monthly price of chilled orange
 juice, cents per quart.
 P cssoJ = deflated average monthly price of canned single
 strength orange juice, cents per 46-ounce can.
 Prices at FOB in the foodstore sector
 P* FCOJ = deflated average monthly price of frozen concentrated
 orange juice, cents per 6-ounce can.
 P* coJ = deflated average monthly price of chilled orange
 juice, cents per quart.
 P* cssoJ = deflated average monthly price of canned single
 strength orange juice, cents per 46-ounce can.
 P* FFO = deflated average monthly price of fresh Florida
 oranges, dollars per 1-3/5-bushel box.