Florida Agricultural Experiment Station

TABLE 2.-Total Mother and Round Bulbs Produced Over a Three-
 Year Period by Planting Slabs of Different Sizes.
 Sizes Bulb Types Graded

Cm. Number Number Percent
 Planted Graded Lost Total
 41 2,896 2,572 11.2 2,572
 5 3,121 2,839 9.0 2,839
 6 4,997 4,520 9.6 4,520
 7 6,438 5,858 9.0 5,858
 8 6,293 5,673 9.9 5,673
 9 3,369 3,041 9.7 3,041
 10 2,390 2,186 8.5 2,186
 11 1,152 1,013 12.1 1,013
 12 247 186 24.7 186
 13 74 63 14.9 63
 14 24 21 12.5 21
15 3 2 33.3 2
 1 Four centimeters and below.

Mother Bulbs Round Bulbs
Total Percent Total Percent
 439 17.1 2,133 82.9
 422 14.9 2,417 85.1
 826 18.3 3,694 81.7
1,297 22.1 4,561 77.9
1,182 20.8 4,491 79.2
511 16.8 2,530 83.2
415 19.0 1,771 81.0
266 26.3 747 73.7
 79 42.5 107 57.5
 34 54.0 29 46.0
 14 66.7 7 33.3
 1 50.0 1 50.0

(Fig. 5). The proportion of mother bulbs to round bulbs pro-
duced each year varies somewhat with all sizes, except 16 centi-
meters, which is not considered, as in only one year were bulbs
of this size obtained.
 From the data presented it is evident that a certain percent
 of the mother bulbs do not function in the manner indicated by
 Brown (2) and Hayward (7).
 Double-Nosed Bulbs.-It was soon evident that the number
 of bulbs which would fall in this category was very small, and
 therefore no record was kept as to the production of this type.
 All bulbs determined as belonging to this classification were
 graded as mother bulbs throughout the experiment.
 TABLE 3.-Total Mother and Round Bulbs Produced Over the Four-
 Year Period by Planting Round Bulbs of Different Sizes.

 Sizes Bulb Types Graded
Cm. Number Number Percent Mother Bulbs Round Bulbs
 Planted Graded Lost Total Total Percent Total Percent
 61 915 789 13.8 789 317 40.1 472 59.9
 7 1,201 1,108 7.8 1,108 615 55.5 493 44.5
 8 1,946 1,784 8.3 1,784 1,315 73.7 469 26.3
 9 2,211 2,005 9.3 2,005 1,632 81.4 373 18.6
 10 2,902 2,615 9.9 2,615 2,351 89.9 264 10.1
 11 2,957 2,588 12.5 2,588 2,375 91.8 213 8.2
 12 1,832 1,690 7.8 1,690 1,552 91.8 138 8.2
 13 1,484 1,378 7.1 1,378 1,305 94.7 73 5.3
 14 281 273 2.8 273 273 100.0 0 0.0
15 521 481 7.7 481 477 99.2 4 0.8
16 10 10 0.0 10 10 100.0 0 0.0
 1 Six centimeters and below.