their default values, used in various computations necessary in the bud- get's generation. Any of these values may be changed by entering the desired value under the column entitled "Your Value" in part 4 of the input form. Parameters 9 and 25, referring to "LP-FARM", are necessary for the construction of a linear programming model including the budget being prepared. Until such time as this model is fully developed, however, the user should not be concerned with these parameters. Parameter 18, Irrigation labor hours/A. inch has seven default values, as follows: Hours per Type of System Type Number Acre Inch (Default Value) No Irrigation 0 0.0 Hand Move 1 .211 Side Move 2 .063 Side Move Tow 3 .047 Self Propelled 4 .022 Surface/Flood 5 .123 Drip 6 .100 As long as no entry is made in line 18, the appropriate value, as deter- mined by the type of irrigation system specified for part h. of the bud- get identification number, will be used. Name Changes (Part 5) For some commodities the list of permanent names shown in Appendix III, and the machinery and implements included in a complement, such as the machinery complement included in Appendix V, may not be sufficient. The user can, for the purposes of the budget being prepared, alter existing names or add new ones by completing part 5 of the input form.