Field Nurseries

 Table 2--Space Use Indicators: three samples of field nurseries in Florida, 1986, 1987, 1988.

 1986 1987 1988 Your
 unit sample sample sample Nursery

 Plants sales/sq.ft. growing area(Table 1A/1D) S 0.26 0.13 0.11
 Production/sq.ft. growing area. (Table 1C/1D) S 0.39 0.19 0.18

 Sales/acre of total nursery area(Table 1A/1E) S 11,360 5,663 4,945
 Value of production per acre. (Table lC/1E) S 16,818 8,131 7,687

 Plant inventory value per acre. (Table 1G/1E) $ 23,780 17,865 16,014

 Plant inventory turnover. (Table 1A/1G) X 47.77 31.70 30.88

 Table 3--Labor Use Indicators: three samples of field nurseries in Florida, 1986, 1987, 1988.

 1986 1987 1988 Your
 unit sample sample sample Nursery

 Plant sales per person* . (Table 1A/1F) S 38,233 46,261 33,959
 Value of production per person* (Table 1C/1F) S 56,602 66,420 52,792

 Growing area per person*. (Table 1D/1F) sq.ft. 146,604 355,828 299,143
 Persons per acre growing area (Table 1F/1E) number 0.30 0.12 0.15

 Full-time equivalent person (2080 hrs/year)