THH HISTORY OF THE CIVIL WAR IN AMERICA, CSSUED IN THE ENGLISH AND GERMAN LANGUAGES,) COMPRISING A Full and Impartial Account of the Origin and Progress of the Rebellion, of the various Naval and Military Engagements, of the Heroic Deeds performed by Armies and Individuals, and of Touching Scenes in the Field, the Camp, the Hospital, and the Cabin. By J. 8. C. ABBOTT, or New Haven, Conn., AUTHOR OF THE “ LirE or NApoueon ;†“ History or THE Frencu Revoxution ;†“ MoNARcHIES OF CONTINENTAL EUROPE,†ETC. Illustrated with Maps, Diagrams, and numerous Steel Engravings of Battle Scenes, from original Designs by Darley, and other eminent Artists, and over 60 Portraits on Steel of Distinguished Men from both North and South. This work, complete in two volumes of over 1,100 large Royal Octavo pages, is now ready for delivery; and it is also issued complete in one volume of over 1,100 pages, and the Agents can now take subscribers for the whole work, either in one volume or two. The author of this great work is well known by all literary men, as one of the most talented and popular historical writers, and his History of the Great Rebellion will not be surpassed in merit and attractiveness by any other that may be offered to the public. Numerous Maps and Diagrams are interspersed through the book. The Illustrations are all from original designs, engraved on steel, by the best Artists, expressly for the work, and comprise Portraits of Distinguished Command. ers and Civilians, both North and South, with the prominent Battle Scenes of Sea and Land. Trusting the reader will regard this work as one of superior importance and value, and as eminently worthy a place in every library and family in the land, the Publisher with entire confidence solicits your influence in giving it the widest possible circulation. You will confer a favor by speaking of the work among your friends, and also by showing this Circular to some acquaintance who would be likely to engage in its distribution. This is the best History of the War yet published, and has had the largest sale of any book on the war. More than 300,000 volumes have been subscribed for, requiring 375 tons of paper. Subscribers for the work who have obtained the first vol- ume, but who have failed to see the Agent, may obtain the second volume by addressing the Publisher, HENRY BILL, Norwich, Conn,