518 came to see her, and to hear the things she said. When this young woman saw Paul and his com- panions, she followed them for many days, crying, “These men are the servants of the most high God, which show unto us the way of sal- vation.†This was the truth; but the evil spirit did not mean the peo- ple to think it was; nor did the poor slave herself understand right- ly what she said. But, at last, Paul being grieved, and full of pity, turned, and said to the spirit, “I command thee, in the name of Jesus Christ, to come out of her;†and the evil spirit came out that same hour. And then the poor slave no longer said the wicked things she had said before; but became, we may hope, a true disciple of the Lord Jesus. But when her masters saw what was done, they were very angry, because now they would gain no more money by her; so they caught Paul and Silas, and brought them before the judges, and said, “These Jews greatly trouble our city, and teach things which are un- lawful for us to receive, being Ro- mans.†Then the multitude rose up; and the judges commanded that the apostles should be beaten. So first they were beaten very cruel- ly, and then cast into prison; and the jailor was told to keep them safely. This jailor was a cruel, hard-hearted man, and very willing to do all the judges wished. So he thrust Paul and Silas into the inner prison, and made their feet fast in the stocks. How sad it was for these two good men to be so cruelly punished PAUL AT PHILIPPI. did not feel sad. They could be peaceful and happy even in the prison; for they knew that God was with them there, and they re- joiced to suffer for His sake. “And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God; and the prisoners heard them.†And God heard them too; and answered their prayer in a very wonderful way. He sent a great earthquake, which shook the prison to the foun- dations; and all the doors were opened, and every one’s chains were loosed. ‘The noise awoke the jailor out of his sleep; and when he saw what had happened, he thought that all the prisoners had escaped; and he drew his sword, and was going to kill himself; for he knew that he would be punished with some very cruel death, if his pris- oners were really gone. But Paul cried out, “Do thyself no harm; for we are all here.†'Then the jail- or called for a light, and sprang in, and came trembling, and fell down before Paul and Silas, and brought them out, and said, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?†Then they answered, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved ;†and they preached the gos- pel to him, and to all who were in the house. And that same hour, the jailor brought them out, and took them into his own house, and gave them food to eat; and was baptized with all his family, be- lieving and rejoicing in the Lord. What a wonderful change this was in the jailor! A few hours be- fore, he was cruel and hard-hearted 5 and hated the apostles, and the for preaching the gospel, and trying | gospel they preached. Now, he was to do good! But Paul and Silas | gentle and willing to be taught;