THE RULER’S DAUGHTER. before Jesus, and confessed all the: truth. And was Jesus angry with her? No; He is never angry with those who come to Him in faith and humility; He said to her, “ Daugh- ter, thy faith hath saved thee; go In peace.†So she went home to her house well and happy. All those who come to Jesus will be saved, and made happy. He is the good physician; He can cure the soul of the worst of all diseases— sin. Then Jesus went on; but before He came to the house, a messenger was sent to the poor father to tell him some very sad news. What did the messenger say? He said, “Thy daughter is dead; trouble not the Master.†But Jesus could comfort Jairus still; he said to him, “ Fear not; only believe, and I will make her well.†So they all went on, and came to the ruler’s house. Then Jesus went into the room where the little girllay. She was lying on the bed, quite dead; and her parents and her friends were standing round weeping. They all felt very sad; for they thought that she would never speak to them again; and that they should never play with her, nor teach her any more. But Jesus said, “Weep not; she is not dead, but sleepeth.†Jesus meant that He could bring her to life as easily as He could wake her if she 417 was asleep; but the people did not understand what He meant, nor did they believe in His power; and they began to mock Him. Then Jesus sent them all away; only He let the father and mother stay, and Peter, and James, and John; and He went to the child, and took her by the hand, and said, “ Maid, arise.†And | the little girl’s spirit came into her again, and she arose and walked; she was quite well and strong; and He commanded her parents to give her meat. This is a very wonderful story. We often hear of the deaths of chil- dren as young as this little girl; but we do not hear that they are ever raised to life again; for Jesus is not pleased to go about working miracles now. But if children die happily, at peace with God through Jesus Christ, then we may feel com- forted in their deaths, though we cannot hope that they will come back to us again. For we know that their souls are gone to God in Heaven; and there they will be happier than Jairus’s little daughter was when she was raised to life again ; for she came back to a world of sin, and sorrow, and death; but in the © world where holy children go when they die, “there shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain.†ev. xxi. 4.