THE FIG-TREE WITHOUT FRUIT. 409 CCLXXVIL JHE pic-TREE Witnout FRUIT. S|)HIS is another parable which Jesus told the people, and a very solemn parable it is. He said, a certain man had a fig- tree planted in his vineyard; and he came and sought fruit on it, and found none. Then he said to the dresser of the vineyard, “‘I'hese three years I come, seeking fruit on this fig-tree, and find none; cut it down; why should it stay in the ground any longer?†But the dresser of the vineyard answered, “Lord, let it alone this year also; and I will attend to it, and dig about it, and manure it; perhaps it will bear fruit next year, and then all will be well; and if not, after that thou shalt cut it down.†We do not read whether the fig- tree did bear fruit the next year, or ' whether it did not, and was cut down; for Jesus said no more about it. But what must we learn from the parable ? What does it mean ? God is the master of the vineyard, and those people who profess to serve Him, are like fig-trees growing in the vineyard. If these people really love God, His grace in their hearts will enable them to bring forth fruit; good fruit, the fruit of the Spirit. God looks into their hearts to see if these holy fruits are growing there ; and if He finds none, He is angry; for God does not care for profession only; He wants love and obedience. Now Godis seeking fruit in you. Perhaps He has sought a long time, and found none; and this may be the last year He will seek at all; the last year you may have to live; the last year you may have to pray for pardon, and grace, and salvation. Next year you may be in another world; and that world will not be Heaven, if you bring forth no fruit to the glory of God here. Remember that now is “the accepted time, now is the day of salvation.â€