JESUS AT NAZARETH. How happy they all were now! They were happy, not because they were rich and great, but because they believed in Jesus, and had Him for their Saviour and their friend. Do you wish to be as happy as they? Then you too must believe in Jesus. Perhaps, like the nobleman’s son, you have kind friends who have asked Jesus to Net 383 heal you of a worse disease than that poor child had—the disease of sin. But you must pray for your- self, if you want to be healed. Ask the Saviour to take away your sins, and enable you to love Him; and He will hear your prayer, and make you a truly happy, because a holy, child. CCLVI. pEsuS AT NAZARETH, BOUT this time, Jesus went to Nazareth, the | place where He had lived when a child; for He wished to preach the Gos- pel to the people there. On the Sabbath day, He went into the - synagogue, or place of wership, and stood up to read. The Jews had certain parts of God’s word ap- pointed to be read every day; and the part for this day was from the prophet Isaiah. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He hath sent me to preach the gospel to the poor, to heal the broken-hearted, to comfort those that mourn.†God’s Spirit had taught Isaiah to write these words many years before. They were a prophecy of Jesus; and they were now fulfilled, for He was come, and was preaching the Gospel, and healing the sick, and comforting those that believed in Him. So when Jesus had finished reading, He shut the book, and gave it to the minister, and sat: down. All the people looked at Him in wonder; and then He said to them, “To-day this scripture is fulfilled in your ears.†But some of the people despised Jesus, and would not believe that He was the Son of God. And when He reproved them for their unbelief, they grew angry, and rose up, and drove Him out of the city, to the top of a hill, wishing to throw Him down. But Jesus did not let them do this, for the time for His death was not yet come. He did not fight against His enemies, but He quietly passed through the midst of them, and all felt His power, and none dared to touch Him. So he left Nazareth, and came to Capernaum, and taught there. Jesus offers His gospel to sinners now. He invites them to believe in Him, and be saved. But very many, like the people of Nazareth, will not attend to Him, nor receive Him into their hearts as their Saviour. Jesus will not bear with such obsti-