DISCIPLES BROUGHT TO JESUS. so He opened not His mouth.†Lsavah Vii. 7. This holy Lamb of God is not now upon our earth, as He was when John saw Him. He is on His glorious throne in Heaven, and many of His happy people are with Him there. But He is a Saviour still; and ready to take away the sins of all those who come to Him in faith and prayer. But He will not always be a Saviour. When the dreadful day of judgment comes, He will not hear the prayers of those who despise and forget Him now. He will then look upon them in anger, not in pity and love; and they will say to the moun- tains and rocks, “Fall on us, and 373 hide us from the face of Him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb. For the great day of His wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand?†Rev. vi. 16, 17. If we wish to be safe and happy in that dreadful day, we must ask now to be “ washed in the blood of the Lamb,†and to have our names written “in the Lamb’s book of life.†And then, when we die, we shall be taken to join the happy company in Heaven, and sing with them, “ Blessing, and honor, and glory, and power, be unto Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto — the Lamb for ever and ever.†Rev. vy. 13. ane TT et CCXLIX. PiscipLes PROUGHT TO Jesus. HE next day, as John was standing with two of his disciples, he saw Jesus again, and said to them, “Behold the Lamb of God.†The two disciples were very glad to hear that Jesus was so near, and they left John, and followed Him. Was John sorry to lose them? No; he was glad that they were so anxious to be with Jesus; for he knew that Jesus could do much more for them than hecould. John could only preach and talk to them ; but Jesus could save their souls. He was John’s Saviour, and he would be the disciples’ Saviour too. When Jesus turned round, and - saw the two disciples following, He said to them, “What seek ye?†They answered, “Master, where dwellest Thou?†Then Jesus told them to come and see ; so they came and saw where He dwelt, and stayed with Him that day; for it was now evening. What a happy evening it must have been for the disciples! They had many questions to ask; and Jesus was willing to answer them; but the disciples did not wish to keep their happiness to themselves. They wanted their friends to know and love Jesus too. One of these disciples was named Andrew. He had a brother called