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for the affliction of the mourner, that he inter-
rupted the ordinary course of nature to give
her comfort.

‘Weep not,” said he to the disconsolate
parent. Then he touched the bier on which
the body was stretched. The bearers stood
still, when, addressing the lifeless form, the
Lord pronounced the words, ‘“‘ Young me \, I
say unto thee arise.”’

How must the attendant crowd have been
astonished when the next moment they saw
the dead man sit up; ‘and begin to speak.”
Not only did he do this, but it was soon
evident that he was completely restored, and
Christ delivered him to his mother.

This miracle created great amazement in the
beholders. It proved to them all that Jesus
was no common mortal; no mere pretender.
‘‘ And there came a fear on all; and they
glorified God, saying, that a great prophet is
risen up among us, and that God hath visited
his people.”

The fame of the deed went through “all
Judea, and throughout all the region round
about.”’ This might have been expected ; and
it might also have been hoped that such a
convincing proof of the divinity of Jesus would
have set unbelief at rest for ever.




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