? ) E RN A A Ne a ee E-TETEE EE D;_ _ | Se aan a aay a THE LAST SUPPER. “Now when the even was come, he sat down with the twelve.†~— MATTHEW, chap. xxvi., verse 20 AFTER THE BirTH OF CHRIST, 33 YEARS. History presents us with notning more affect- ing than the details of the last supper of Jesus Christ with his disciples. He knew that his time was nearly come; preparations were made for the passover, and he sat down to the simple solemn festival with his twelve followers. Had all been faithfal, the scene would have been memorable ; but it was rendered still more so, by the fact, then known to the Saviour, that one of those assembled around him was sordidly plotting, from love of gold, to betray him into the hands of cruel foes, that he might be mocked, tortured, and put to death. Yet it was even so. He knew that one of them was to act this monstrous part, and pointed out the sinful individual. How must Judas have trembled when he heard those peace-breathing lips, which sel- dom opened but to utter words of com- passion, and suggestions of mercy, pronounce © Le aaa ~‘ se __S ee ee ee lt Tt et tN tN Gt tt WA SO ee ~~ Re Ne Ne SE NEE SS