Both of them. They were a hell of a good combination. D--If you could point at any one person besides Leonard and Jack Rosen, who would point to as contributing the most to the success of the company? S--Kenny, Eddie, I think Herpner. They were key people in this business from almost like day one. Plus George and Bernie and me. We were all from the very beginning contributing something. The basic people were Jack and Leonard. All the others contributed. I could have been done without them but they all made it a hell of a lot easier. Particularly the inception. When you're trying to do it you want all the help you can get. They had it going in. It just made it a little bit easier. They were all contributors of a lot. We all pitched in. Whatever had to be done, we did. I'll tell you this. I got at three o'clock in the morning which happened a lot of times. We would get calls and have meetings all hours of the day and night seven days a week. All of us did that. D--Well good. Thanks a lot.