D--Some. S--I'll give you a lot of background on this that most of the people didn't know. I would going from memory and I'm giving you generalities. The amounts and all this stuff. D--Anything else you can remember about Jack and Leonard that really told a little bit about them? Any situations that you particularly remember, that stick in your mind or whatever? S--They were very, very unusual people. I had met a lot of big people, most of them through them, by the way. A lot of big people. They are a, were, a combination of a lot of things. There was a lot of showbiz and he had a lot of showbiz friends, big ones. I'll tell you one thing about Leonard. He was very active in the Hebrew Academy here and the fund raisers every year. And one time he had a problem whoever the feature person at this fundraiser was. They had to back out of it. It was like the last minute. They had a big fundraiser where they raised all their money. He was chairman. He had met Bob Hope along the way. Somewhere along the way he heard that Bob Hope was in Puerto Rico. Leonard was never embarrassed. He'd call and pick up the phone and he called Bob Hope. He told him his problem. Bob Hope said he would fly over and do this fundraiser. Leonard had to agree to one thing for Bob Hope. Bob Hope was active in the Parkinson's foundation here. He had to agree to work for the Parkinson's foundation here, which Leonard agreed to do. Which he did. We had Bob Hope and Leonard worked for the Parkinson's foundation. This was the kind of guy he was. He knew a lot of bus- iness people. A lot of big people. Calling them for ehlp, advice, charity, money, whatever. And Jack the quiet one. He would do it quietly. he always found a way to do things that they felt they should do. They were unique. They were very, very original people.