He became a problem person. You had to have somebody look over his shoulder. But he was a creative guy. D--What about Harry Hirsch, who was he? S--Harry Hirsch was sales manager or assistant at the property. He reported to Kenny Schwartz. Sweet guy. Nice guy. D--What about Joe Maddlone? S--Joe was on Leonard's team here. Joe was involved in, as I recollect, he was an assistant to Leonard. He was involved in city planning with the city of Coral Gables here. He was a good community man. He developed in public relations, and meeting with the regulatory people. He was just a community man, a real kind gentleman. He was like Leonard's assistant. He got involved in a lot of things. D--Jim Layden, what did he do? S--Jim Layden was, well first he was my assistant and then he became Leonard's assistnat. He was responsible for certain parts of administration. Like the allocations of property. When I first met Jim he had run allocations. Which was getting specific homesites for people to sell. D--To the brokers? S--To the brokers, or in Florida to an 0 & 0 office. Jim became Leonard's assistnat. He probably replaced me. But he was more involved in land usage. He would work on the planning and things such as that. Jim worked with me when I first came to town. And then I got in the other aspects and Jim took over a lot of things. D--If you had to kind of set down the basic organization of the corporation, you know, Herzfeld was like the chief council. The marketing would be under Jack Rosen, who would be underneath him? S--Well, Jack had Hepner underneath him. And Hepner worked out of Baltimore originally. But it would be, marketing would be Jack on top, Hepner,