D--What kind of a guy was he? S--He was a quiet guy, conservative guy. Leonard and Jack used him constantly. He became like part of the family. George London was the same way. He was part of the Antel. He may have been part of Rosen, I don't know. He was like the accounting firm for the company. Before it grew to a point where it needed national accounting. D--Who did the company go to then? S--They developed an in house staff. But George was a director and knowing the people he was important as Leonard. They coordinated with them. Gernie coordinated with upper legal and George would go to the accounting firms. George would be there on the audits. D--And when the company had a lot of difficulties with the state? S--Bernie did a lot of negotiating with Carmine. Bernie was the primary negotiator. D--Did you ever know Milt Mendelson? S--Very well. D--Tell me a little bit about him. S--Milt was a creative genius. Very, very creative. He could put two or three words in something that oculd get you into big, big trouble. The problem was riding hard on Mendelson. He was a character, very creative. But you always had to watch what he was doing. He may have caused them their problems. He would just maybe go overboard sometimes. D--Some people have said that he was the one who kind of intrigued Leonard's interest. S--I think that he was the first person that Leonard, the intriguing part. I guess he met Milt when he was coming down to look for land. When he came down initially he met Milt. D--Oh. That was Clearwater. Some people have mentioned Punta Gorda. S--Clearwater was supposedly where he met. He met him somewhere in that