D--Were there any other people that eventually ended up with the corporation that dated back to that time period? S--There was two people in sales at Charles Antel. One guy was Wentworth Barnes. And the other was George Kreist. They came to work. They were the cosmetic people. Wentworth Barnes was a cosmetic person. He was director of sales at Antel. George came in as the credit manager. He then became an assistant sales manager. They both came to work for GAC at the beginning in sales. They didn't stay though. They left the com- pany. Coming down, from Baltimore. I came down. Paul Venzi came down. In all of the offices Tony Pericci who was traffic director at Antel, came down and became I guess what you call a warehouse shipper for the company. Bob Carroll who was assistant sales manager. He came down. He is now with Avitar. They came down. And of course, Milt Kessler. he worked with Jack in marketing. Then Ron Lynchburg who worked with Jack. Moft Rolrick came down. They were all involved with Jack in sales. That pretty much all I can think of. I'm sure there were hundreds. Bob would know a lot about Jack. He worked with him and Lynchburg and Rollick. They worked with Sack. I'm sure there were others. D--There's a couple of other people here that might job your memory a little bit. Tell me a little bit more about Bernie Herzfeld. S--Bernie was the attorney for the company. He had his own law firm. he worked for Charles Antel in Baltimore. He helped form the original Gulf American Land Corporation and he was also a corporate council. He was a director. he moved from Cape Coral over here. What I remember, Bill was corporate council here. Bernie was the main council. We had a guy named Harry Warren here. Bill Carmine who worked in the offices here. Now when the company shut down, Bernie became president of the company temporarily.