Lindner who was a psychiatrist. Bob Lindler was a prison psychiatrist either in Baltimore or in Maryland. Jack worked with Bob Lindler and something to do with the penal system and psychiatric aspects. Bob Lindler, by the way, wrote a couple of great books. Rebel Without A Cause, and Fifty-Minute Hour. He was a shrink. He wrote those two books which of course, were big books. He was in Maryland. Jack became involved with him as a personal friend. That's a part of Jack that I just remembered. What else did Jack do? D--Maybe a little bit aside from that. What was Jack's wife's name? S--Clair. D--Clair. And he had children? S--He had four children. Edie, Amy, Lisa and Judy. Eidel lives in Tucson, Arizona. The kids are in San Francisco, one is in New York. Two of them are going for their masters or whatever, Lisa and Judy. And my kids are very close to them. The kids in this family are still very close together. But of course, I'm still close to Leonard's children. Because of the distance, I have not been close with Jack's children. D--Lecnard's children were? S--Sandy, Ronnie, and Linda. D--And what are they doing? S--Sandy...when Leonard died Sandy and Linda took over his business. Ronnie, who was with them, went into business for himself. The same type of business. Ronnie, right now, I think is in Colorado near Aspen. He's in some type of development business. Linda and Sandy were in, ran Leonard's business after he died. Linda primarily. D--I understand Leonard had remarried. His first wife was Dorothy. S--Right. They are still very, very close. They were very close until the day that he died. The families are all close. She lives in Hawaii.