D--So, it wasn't like some corporations kind of tell their employees that they are going to volunteer or something like that, it was a genuine involvement. S--That's right. I'm sure they would tell people to do it, but everybody would do it. D--I'm trying to think of some other things. Were there other areas of your dealings with the corporation that you were especially familiar with? S--You mean personally? There was a side of Jack and Leonard that nobody ever knew or saw. D--Can you think of any situations that can really describe more who they were? That people didn't see very often. S--Well, the side that people didn't see was at their non-business side. Jack, people knew. They really didn't know Leonard. Leonard was an extrovert. He had to give every speech. He loved to tell jokes. He loved dirty jokes, funny jokes. Leonard, I guess, felt more show bus- iness than Jack. And Leonard was on stage all the time, sometimes too much so. Jack was always in the background. People knew Jack. Jack was a very deep person. I'll tell you, Jack felt way, way back, and this was a general thing. That we had military academies and naval academy, we have all these academies but there is nobody training peace guys, diplomats. He gave a lot of money, I believe, to the JFK peace foundat- ion in Israel. The purpose was to train people for peace. Like you train a soldier to go fight. He gave, I think, a lot of money to the JFK Peace Fund in this country and Israel. For people who would work in peaceful fiels. Jack was a very deep thinker. Jack used to think very deeply and Jack was very concerned about the whole world. Leonard took care of his end of the world too which was his family and Israel and synagogues and schools and stuff. Jack was very deep. Jack was involved, again, I'm going off the top of my head. Jack had a friend in Baltimore named Bob