Beth Jacob was a primary mover in a school that he went to as a kid. Talnicdical Academy He was very, very happy to do that. President of the alumni association. They raised a consideralbe amount of money. Both of them gave considerable money to Kfar Silbar for education. They were both honored in New York, by a lot of the big names of this country. Big people. For their contribution to Kar Sildar. Leonard first and then Jack in subsequent years. This was a national thing that they gave money. And also raised money for this. They were both very active in raising money for this. They were both very active in Israel bonds. Both in Baltimore and in Florida. And in the United Fund in Baltimore they were very active. They did, here in Florida, Leonard was very active in the Hebrew Academy here in Miami Beach. With money and also work. Leonard was a chairman in the Six Day War. He was the chairman of the group to raise money for the war for Israel. He was a volunteer. He did some work for the Parkin- son's foundation. Very active in the Hebrew academy and synagogue here. He did a lot of work for various community projects. I guess the two basic things were the Hebrew Academy here which one of the best schooled in the country. D--Is that a high school or like a grade school? S--It's elementary through high school. Jack's of course, was a high school. A lot of the community. What they would do for fundraising is they would get everybody who worked for them to work on the phone or solicitation. Their employees worked for them. I remember how they made phone calls. D--So, a lot of their employees would volunteer? S--They'd have it on a Sunday or whenever they could work they would go down there and work.