And I guess they had their own people for Modern Air. There was nothing for me. I was active in the management of Modern Air. After it was sold they took me out and gave me an office on 79th street. My office was at the airport and after it was sold they gave me an office at 79th street. They removed me from the airline. They gave me a project to work on. They removed me from the operation on the airline. I think that's par for the course. So.... D--Let me ask you a little bit of an unrelated question. Did Leonard and Jack ever comment or sense any strong feeling of anit-semitism in their competitors, people or corporations or groups outside of the corporation? S--I can't say that I directly know of anything though I sensed something to the fact that various people in the state. I sensed that various people in the state could have felt that way. I wasn't sure though. As far ar the competitors go, maybe they felt that we were rich. I don't know. I may have come out in something or the other, but I don't know. D--Did Leonard and Jack consider themselves orthodox? S--I guess orthodox conservative, they both went to orthodox synagogues, but they were more conservative. Leonard was more orthodox than Jack. D--So, their faith was important to them? S--Oh, yes. Very, very important. The state of Isreal was very important to them. they had been honored for years before GAC for their work with Israel and that. D--Tell me a little bit about that. S--The orthodox synagogue in Baltimore which they continued to do. Finan- cially